All In
threw on some makeup, and snuck back into the hotel room.
    Ryan’s body was sprawled across the entire king-size bed. He was enormous, and not just his limbs. Daisy blushed as she remembered exactly how large other parts of him were. She opened a drawer and pulled out clean panties, a bra, and a pair of blue jeans. Her hand stilled as she reached for a T-shirt. Why hadn’t she brought anything nicer to the tournament? Why didn’t she own anything pretty or flirty?
    Why did she suddenly care about her clothes?
    She grabbed the closest T-shirt and went back to the bathroom.
    When she was finally dressed, she went downstairs to the tournament room and waited.
    It was just a little after eight in the morning. If she were back in Los Angeles, she’d be sitting at her little kitchen table in the oversize T-shirt she wore to sleep in. Her feet would be curled up underneath her chair. Her first hot cup of coffee would be in her hand. She’d read the newspaper, do the crossword, and go over her schedule for the day.
    Then it would be time to go to work. Rain or shine. Semester or break. She always tried to spend at least four hours a day in her office at UCLA. She’d write, do some math, and talk with her colleagues. It was good, honest work and it made her happy.
    But what would it be like to have something else? Something more?
    Someone like Ryan…
    “Daisy Adams?” The sound of her name jolted her out of her reverie. A man, tall and thin with gray hair cut a little too close to his head stood in front of her, his hand extended. “My name is Blethins, Edgar Blethins. I recognized you from your book cover. I’m a big fan of yours. I’ve read Ante Up six times.”
    “Really.” Daisy smiled faintly.
    Ante Up had been adapted from her first PhD thesis. Her publisher had thought it would be a hit with general audiences—people were always looking for a magic bullet for playing poker—but it had failed spectacularly.
    No one had read it six times.
    People were moving around behind Blethins. She glanced at her watch. Shit. She’d been daydreaming for over an hour. It was closing on ten o’clock and players were filtering into the room from every direction. “You like statistical analysis?”
    “I’m an accountant,” Blethins said. “I like numbers.”
    That was something Daisy could understand. Numbers were neat. They were tidy. They didn’t snore or try to hog the covers. She took a deep breath, trying to focus on the man in front of her instead of the FBI agent upstairs in her bed. “How are you doing in the tournament?”
    “Not too bad.” Blethins’s face creased with worry. “I play online poker mostly. This is different.”
    Online poker was something Daisy understood. “My screen name’s HEISENBURGER1000.”
    “ACES99. I think we’ve played together a few times.” Blethins grinned. “Here I’m just hoping to make the final round. You know? Get a chance at the big pot. I’m sure I can win.” He jammed his hands in his wrinkled pockets. “I just want to get to the final round.”
    “I’m pretty sure that’s what everyone wants.” Daisy smiled. “It’s a tournament.”
    “Of course.” Blethins chuckled. “Are you going to be at the party tonight?”
    What party? Daisy frowned. “You mean the reception? I thought it was just a wine and cheese thing.”
    “It’s a little more than that.”
    “Oh.” Her frown deepened. “Then I probably won’t attend. I’m not much of a party girl.”
    “Understandable.” Blethins sighed. “Let me know if you change your mind. I’d love for you to sign my copy of your book.”
    He’d brought it with him? Daisy flushed with pleasure. Apparently he wasn’t just yanking her chain. “Maybe you could grab it at lunch?” she said. “Or you could bring it with you tomorrow—if we’re still in the tournament. I’d love to sign it for you.”
    “Daisy…” Ryan’s voice sent a chill down her spine. His tone was cold. When he stepped up beside

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