All the Stars and Teeth (All the Stars and Teeth Duology)

All the Stars and Teeth (All the Stars and Teeth Duology) by Adalyn Grace

Book: All the Stars and Teeth (All the Stars and Teeth Duology) by Adalyn Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adalyn Grace
I’m used to his magic, it’s always alarming to see how little pain he feels.
    I stare openmouthed at the arm, embarrassment for theSuntosan sinking my gut. To be fair, he was the one who challenged Bastian, but no one should have to lose so decidedly.
    “That was a cheap shot,” I say.
    “Relax, Princess. I knew it wouldn’t hurt him. He scraped his hands climbing Keel Haul ; I saw the wounds healing.” The look Bastian flashes me is nothing more than a brief roll of the eyes, unwilling to yield from his absolute delight. Much to Ferrick’s dismay, the pirate closes the space between them once again and prods at the redeveloping ligaments. “How marvelous are you Suntosans! I’ve always heard restoration magic is impressive, but people who can regenerate themselves and heal others? I had to see it with my own eyes.”
    “Glad to help with your fantasies,” Ferrick huffs bitterly. “I should never have expected a fair sword fight from a pirate. ” He says the word like it’s poison on his tongue, but even in the faint glow of moonlight, the flush on Ferrick’s pale cheeks is clear. I know I should feel bad for him, but every second I’m forced to spend with him, knowing we’re to be forever tied, my frustration grows.
    It’s unfortunate our magics are so well suited. If I need a tooth, I can take one of Ferrick’s. If I need an arm, he has plenty to spare. He’s a rare breed of Suntosan; whereas most only have the ability to regenerate or heal others, he’s mastered both skills. With Ferrick at my side, I would be the strongest animancer that Arida has ever seen.
    “Enough bickering. Swords down, boys.” Both turn to look at me.
    “Don’t engage with him, Amora.” Ferrick’s face is pinched and angry as he glares down at his arm. “Blasted pirate, take us back to Arida this instant.”
    Bastian ignores him by stepping closer to me, and I notice for the first time how tall he is. Confident, too, but a fool. When he takes another step forward, I unsheathe my daggerand press its point against his chest. Bastian’s smile fizzles away at once, and he sours his lips in offense.
    “Really? Again?” He lifts his hands into the air. Beside me, Ferrick exhales a relieved breath.
    I press the blade against his skin, enough for the steel to bite. “You’ve given me enough information, already; I can figure out the rest on my own. Give me one reason why I shouldn’t toss you overboard and make the journey myself.”
    To my surprise, Bastian laughs. Though he stops short when it makes the dagger press deeper into his chest. “So this is the thanks I get for helping you out? Stars, I wouldn’t have guessed you’d be so charming. Throw me overboard if you’d like, but as you’ve noticed, I don’t exactly have much of a crew for you to command. Throw me off, and you’ll lose your ship. Besides, you’re no captain. You wouldn’t even know how to navigate.”
    “Zudoh’s straight south,” I argue, but Bastian only bats his eyes and smiles.
    “It sure is. But I’m afraid it’s a little more complicated than that, love.”
    I press the blade forward until I feel his muscles flex beneath it. “And why’s that?”
    Though he tries to maintain his easy smile, his jaw tenses. “If this is what I get for sharing information freely, then I suppose you’ll have to keep me aboard to find out.”
    I sheathe my dagger, never having intended to actually stab him. It’s just good form to ensure he knows who’s in charge.
    “Amora, I really think we should reconsider this strategy—”
    I cut Ferrick off swiftly. “There is no we here. I’m not holding council.”
    Bastian brushes his chest off as though I’ve dirtied his coat with my blade. “Then I take it you’re still in?” The sea tries to steal his whisper but I latch onto it tightly. Warmth replacesthe coolness in my body as a strange, enigmatic tension electrifies my skin and fills the space between us as I consider those words. The hairs

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