Always Mine

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Authors: Sophia Johnson
as if he contemplated something unpleasant.
    Lady Maud turned the conversation by suggesting they would enjoy a musical evening. She motioned for a squire to bring a harp to set in the open space before the high table.
    Elise caught Brianna’s hand and led her around the table to stand near the harp, and Lady Maud’s sister, Cecelia, took out a flute from her tunic pocket.
    After the first strains of music began, Brianna sang a solo.
    She avoided looking at Damron and pretended the room was as empty as the solar had been. When she finished, she started to sing a duet, expecting Elise to blend in.
    At the sound of Galan’s beautiful tenor, surprise jolted through her. Why did she remember another voice, a baritone as rich as sweet chocolate, singing this duet with her? She kept her gaze on Galan while he approached her, yet deep in her soul’s memory another man strode toward her, his voice the one she expected.
    The closer his vision came in her mind, the more her heart surged.
    His face was a blur, but there was no mistaking his large frame.
    It was Damron’s voice she recalled.
    Brianna became lost in the music. As the passion of the song increased, so did her own. Her heart began to pound.
    Her eyes clouded. She was thankful when the song ended.
    Several animated duets later, Galan began an unfamiliar melody.
    My love is made of grace and beauty, Skin so soft as feathers light.
    Breasts to fill my hands with wonder, Hair that clings and holds me tight.
    His hands molded her form in the air, then the backs of his fingers caressed her cheeks. When he sang of her hair, his fingers fanned through it and brought a curling handful over her right shoulder.
    Sophia Johnson
    When his words tapered to a whisper, the notes fading, Galan placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. She did not pull away.
    Damron clenched his hands and glared at the knights openly lusting over Brianna. Seeing his fierce scowl, the men shifted their interest to Elise.
    “Ne’er have I heard such a perfect blending of voices,”
    Connor murmured.
    “I have heard far better.” Damron ground out the words between clenched teeth.
    “Could it be green fingers of jealousy I sense travelin’ your mind, cousin?”
    Damron turned, stomped Connor’s foot and then exploded from his seat.
    Startled, Brianna swung around. She blinked and focused her mind back on the room.
    “I wish you Godspeed on the morrow, my lord,” she said.
    “Surely it will be many months before we meet again?”
    Damron’s smile looked decidedly wicked. She made a quick curtsey and fled the room. His triumphant bark of laughter trailed her, spreading a cloak of fear around her shoulders.
    Chapter 6
    “I thought you would be first to rise this morn, Brianna.”
    Elise’s voice rang with excitement. When Brianna pulled the covers over her head, Elise tried to tug them down.
    “Don’t tell me it’s morning. Didn’t we just go to bed?” Brianna groaned and clung to the blanket. She cracked open sleepy eyelids to squint at the window opening. This was more than an early rise. Barely the faintest hint of dawn showed in the starlit sky. She had never been a morning person. She needed two cups of strong coffee to appreciate the breaking day. Well, rats. She wasn’t going to get caffeine here. She blinked and tried to get her wits about her.
    Already fully dressed, Elise flitted between the trunk and the bed, spreading Brianna’s clothing across the bed.
    “Hurry. Father Jacob will read the banns this day.” Elise tugged Brianna to the washstand and waited, her back turned.
    No sooner had Brianna dried her face and hands than Elise whipped off Brianna’s sleeping garment. Before Brianna could lower her arms, a deep rose smock floated over her head, followed by a light rose tunic.
    Smoothing the tunic over her smock, Brianna admired the design of oak leaves done with silver threads the seamstress
    Sophia Johnson
    had embroidered at the neckline and tip of

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