The Dominator

The Dominator by DD Prince

Book: The Dominator by DD Prince Read Free Book Online
Authors: DD Prince
continued, “But I want something tonight from you.”
    I winced again, trying to stop my mind and heart from racing, “What?”
    “I want you to crawl into my arms and I want you to relax, like you want to be here. If you can do that for me tonight, sleep curled up against me, I won’t fuck you.” He stopped, moistened his lips, and then continued, “If you don’t do what I ask, you’re getting fucked hard and rough.” He put his hands, fingers laced, behind his head, flexing his biceps and looking at me expectantly.
    “You’re crazy.” I breathed. What a maniac! This was messed up!
    He reached over and flicked the lamp back off, “Well?”
    I took a deep breath, “You’re, like, fucked in the head, aren’t you?” Stupid, Tia. Why would I say something like that to him?
    “Yeah, and I have a gun,” he announced, “Who gives the crazy guy a gun? Oh yeah, and a goodnight kiss; I want that, too. Keep me waiting and my list of demands may keep growin’.”
    I was gob smacked. I heard an impatient-sounding huff and then I was gob smacked and scared. I got the impression he wanted me to give him a reason to take me against my will and / or show me his gun. I wanted neither. I scampered over to him and then hesitated. He pulled me into an embrace, my head falling onto his chest. Both of his arms were tight around me. He kissed the top of my head and his palm slowly slid down my back until it rested on my rear end. He was hard, all over.
    “Relax,” he whispered against my hair and then he kissed my forehead. His body was big, I disappeared into that embrace.
    “Get your hand off my...” I said. He moved his warm hand up to my waist before I could finish the threat that hadn’t quite formed on my tongue yet, pulling the shirt up with it. I could hear him breathing hard, I could feel his heartbeat and it was racing. I squeezed my eyes shut tight and gulped.  How bizarre to have my head on the chest of the man from the ice cream parlor, the man I’d had on my mind the past few days. But this wasn’t that guy. That guy was from my fantasy. This guy looked just like him but looks were where similarities ended. He’d behaved in a way I’d never imagined. The fact that this guy had taken ‘ownership’ of me and had forced me to lay here with him was repulsive.
    “Don’t tell me not to touch what’s mine again. You get a pass tonight because of the day you’ve had but don’t make the mistake of thinking whether or not we fuck is anything but my decision to make.”
    I squeezed my eyes shut tight. This was a nightmare. A horrible nightmare. He started to stroke my hair.
    “No. Don’t,” I said.
    “Tell me no or say don’t one more time and the deal is off, Tia.”
    His hand trailed back down to my ass and he drummed his fingers on it, letting me know he was waiting for me to protest. I clamped my mouth shut. I believed him so I made myself shut up and stay still. Every fiber of my being wanted to sprint, to run, to scream, to fight, to kick, to scratch, but I just stayed there, trembling.
    “Now kiss me,” he said.
    I squeezed my eyes shut tight, like that’d help.
    “Naw, I’ll kiss you. I’ve been dying to taste these lips since that day I walked into that ice cream shop.” He flipped me over onto my back and then he was on me, his lips were on my lips, his body hard against me. He touched my lips softly with his at first and his lips were soft but strong. He got my bottom lip between his lips and he sucked on it. I couldn’t breathe. He made an “Mmm,” sound against my mouth, then said, “You didn’t kiss back but I’ll give you a pass tonight.” Then he flipped back so that I was back on top of him. His hands were on me, one on my lower back and the other in my hair. My cheek was against his chest. His legs were parted and our pelvises were touching.  He was rock hard.  If I could see myself I’m sure that I’d see that my eyes were bugging out of my head.
    His fingers

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