An Honest Woman (Erotic Romance)

An Honest Woman (Erotic Romance) by Stephanie Silvers

Book: An Honest Woman (Erotic Romance) by Stephanie Silvers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Silvers
Jason pulled the black elastic band from his pocket and thoughtfully rolled it over the pads of his fingers, his mind a million miles away from his swanky San Diego office. He’d forgotten the band was in his pocket. His maid service had returned his dry cleaning Sunday night, the same as always, and he pulled the pants from the closet without checking the pockets. He should have yanked it off his wrist and thrown it away as soon as Laura walked out the door. Why had he shoved it in his pocket? Why didn’t the cleaners check the pockets? What if he left a lighter or, god forbid, a tube of chapstick one day? Would those pass through unnoticed, too?

Jason spread the elastic between his fingers. It would be easy to slide it over his wrist again—easy but impossible at the same time. He hooked it over his fingertip and pulled it taut, ready to flick it into the trash bin, but relaxed his fingers, letting it fall back to the desk. It was just a cheap hairband. He picked up a package of them for three dollars at WalGreens the night before he brought Laura back to his house. There were eleven more at home. Each of them identical to the one on his desk.

The phone on his desk chirped, and then his administrative assistant—he only made the mistake of calling Pepper his secretary once—pulled his attention away from the completely unremarkable black hairband.

“Are you ready to call it a night?” Pepper’s voice came through the phone.


“I have a family.”

How late was it? Jason wasn’t sure. He’d been in a daze the entire day—the entire week if he was being honest. Ever since he walked Laura to her car and sent her on her way with a smile and a wave, he hadn’t been himself. He couldn’t keep his meetings straight. He sent off all his work to his paralegals. Pepper had been taking the brunt of the ire from his angry clients, and even her patience was wearing thin.

“We all have to make sacrifices.”

The call cut off, and ten seconds later the office door flung open, Pepper steamrolling in on two-inch heels. “What is going on with you?”

“What are you talking about?”

“You haven’t been yourself for the past week. Come to think of it, you weren’t quite acting like yourself last week, either.”

“Nothing is going on with me.” Not anymore, anyway. The previous week, when he had his naughty accountant Laura tied to a fucking-machine in his basement/dungeon, he walked through the office with a certain bounce in his step. He smiled a little easier, and he flew through his work, eager to get it done by lunchtime. He kept her on the fucking-machine as a punishment for her, but it didn’t do him any favors. The entire time he was supposed to be working on briefs, he was thinking about her lithe, sweating body, flushed skin, pumping hips, and exhausted but sincere moans as the dildo drove into her swollen pussy again and again and again…

“Jason? Hello? Where did you go just now?”

“Nothing…I mean, nowhere. Never mind. Just…go. Have a good night, okay?”

“Look, boss, you need to pull it together. I’m keeping this law firm afloat right now, but I’m not a wizard. If you’re not careful, everything’s going to come crashing down around your head.”

A fair warning. He already felt like the earthquake had started—the ground was constantly moving beneath him, shifting and buckling, sending him flying in new directions. Now the roof was going to come crashing down, too? All because of Laura. All because she was greedy and stupid enough to get caught, and he was opportunistic and horny. Not just horny. If he just had an itch to scratch, there were plenty of women he could call. But he’d specifically sought out Laura. He specifically leveraged the situation so he could get her into his bed—and into his BDSM dungeon. He specifically wanted to hurt her, wanted to break her down until he could rebuild her into his perfect slave.

If he had longer than a

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