Ancient Guardians: The Uninvited
aware of Mark Prather’s persistent conversation with Reece. The young man was disrespectful in every way. Of all the people Reece could be seated next to at her first social event, it had to be him.
    As the meal slowly progressed, Levi felt his frustration rising. Each time Reece would attempt to take a bite of her food, the man would ask her pointless question.
    “Mr. Prather, I appreciate your fervent concern about how I feel living in Pemdas, but I would love the opportunity to enjoy this delicious meal, too,” Reece said in a low voice.
    “Miss Bryant, the food is quite delicious,” Mr. Prather replied. “Do you find any differences in dining on Earth as to that of dining in Pemdas?”
    The expression on Reece’s face in response to Mr. Prather having ignored her statement was enough for Levi to finally intervene on her behalf. As Levi began to interject, King Hamilton abruptly spoke out.
    “Mark Prather!” King Hamilton announced from the head of the table. “Tell me, how is your uncle these days?” He swallowed a sip of his wine. “You must know I was astounded to see you standing in for him this evening.”
    Levi sat back and watched intently as the young man’s faced displayed frustration for King Hamilton’s blatant interruption. Then, as the table grew silent waiting for the young man to reply, Mr. Prather’s face turned to that of embarrassment. He glanced over at Levi, only to see Levi’s disapproving expression, which was waiting for the man’s response.
    “Forgive me, my lord,” Mark answered, after he brought a napkin to his lips. “What was your question?”
    Maybe if you closed your mouth for once this evening, you would hear what people said when they spoke to you, Levi thought.
    King Hamilton’s eyes narrowed as he smiled cynically at Mr. Prather. “I do believe this is the first time I have ever been asked to repeat myself.” He laughed as he looked at Navarre sitting to his right.
    Navarre studied the young man silently. Ever since issues with Simone and Michael Visor endeavoring to harm Reece had arisen, the emperor had a heightened awareness of those he didn’t necessarily trust being in her presence.
    “I believe the good king was inquiring as to why you are so fortunate to be in our presence tonight,” Harrison interjected loudly from the opposite end of the table.
    Mr. Prather glared at Harrison and cleared his throat. “Forgive me, King Hamilton; I thought you received the missive.” he sighed as his expression turned to sorrow. “My uncle is still unwell.”
    “Unwell?” Navarre interjected with a stern expression. “This is certainly news to me. When did he become ill?”
    “Your Majesty, please have no concern. My uncle seems to be recovering, although he did not wish to make the long journey to Sandari. He expressed his apologies in the missive.” Mr. Prather took a sip of his wine, and Levi could see that the young man was seeking to avoid any more talk about his uncle’s situation. “The kingdom is well, and I can tell you this from personally standing in place of King Prather while he has been ill.”
    Levi and Harrison exchanged knowing glances.
    Navarre sipped his wine. “Mr. Prather, I am deeply interested in continuing the conversation after dinner.” He looked at King Hamilton. “Perhaps we can retire to a more private area after we have finished dining.”
    King Hamilton nodded. “Of course.”
    “As I just mentioned, your Imperial Majesty,” Mr. Prather spoke out boldly, “It is nothing of concern. Please do not relinquish your enjoyment of the evening’s festivities over a simple illness.”
    Navarre’s features darkened. “I will do as I please, Mr. Prather,” he said in a low, commanding voice. “And right now, your uncle’s health is of concern to me, be it your concern or not.”
    Mark nodded. “If it does please Your Majesty, the kingdom is quite well.”
    “As I said, we will continue this conversation in a more private

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