Andrew: Lanning’s Leap: Erotica Shapeshifter Romance (Lanning's Leap Book 5)

Andrew: Lanning’s Leap: Erotica Shapeshifter Romance (Lanning's Leap Book 5) by Kathi S. Barton

Book: Andrew: Lanning’s Leap: Erotica Shapeshifter Romance (Lanning's Leap Book 5) by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
again. She knew that Andrew was there, but he was staying back. “What’s this about a letter you have? Just put it on the floor and kick it this way.”
    “You’re nothing like what I expected. Not timid, nor are you intimidated. Much anyway.” She asked him again about the letter. “I’m under orders, you might say. It’s to be handed to you. By my own hand.”
    “Well that’s not going to fucking happen, in the event you didn’t get that by now. I’m not going anywhere near you without a stake in my hand and a string of garlic. Does that even work?” Both Andrew and the man said no at the same time. “Figures. My life is going to shit every second I’m standing here. Nothing about my life has been right. You should know that I’m on the very edge of getting a gun and blowing every person I see up. Not really, but I’m stressed out. Now tell me or move on, I really could care less at this point.”
    The man laughed and then bowed. “You are a rare treat in an otherwise sad world. My name is Cyrus. I have no use for a last name, but should you call to my lady Sina or her mate Nildale, I’m sure they can vouch for me. But as I have said, I have this letter for you and you only. It has been...commanded of me that I make sure that you have it.”
    Before she could ask who they might be, two people were standing in front of her. Laci fell back on her ass and stayed there. If they were going to kill her, then she’d just as soon be close to the floor when she died. Then when another man came in the room, this one dressed in an outfit that made her think of science fiction movies where body armor was made of softer shit, she closed her eyes. When someone touched her shoulder, she sobbed.
    “Please don’t hurt Andrew. He’s a really nice guy. A little on the strange side, but all together nice.” She heard someone laugh and opened one eye to look at the woman. “You look like a fashion model. Not that it makes you any less scary, but you’re beautiful.”
    “As are you, Laci Lanning. Come now, get up and let us properly introduce you to ourselves. I’m Sina, second queen. But right now I’m working as queen. My daughter is on an adventure.” Laci nodded. “This is my mate, Nildale. He’s helping me while she’s away. I must say, it’s been much harder than I remember it being. And this gentleman here is our son, Nic. He’s been working the estate, getting it squared away for Andrew here. But we have come to see you and to clear up any kind of confusion about young Cyrus here.”
    “If you can clear up even one tenth of the confusion I have, I’ll be greatly indebted to you.” Nildale moved toward her as he laughed and put out his hand for her. “If you touch me, and I’m not saying you can or not, what happens to me? I mean, I’m new to this whole...I have no idea what you’d call this, but I’m learning shit that is making me a little leery of everyone. But I have a feeling that anything and everything should be questioned. Or just ignored. Which is it?”
    “As you should be leery of things. But I only wish to help a lovely young woman from the floor, and to assure you that Cyrus here is truly a friend to us all.” Laci eyed his outstretched hand, then him. “You aren’t very trusting, are you? I do assure you, I’m not going to harm you in any way that will not benefit you.”
    She touched her hand to his. By the time what he was saying registered, she felt as if her arm had been set on fire and it was burning down her body. Screaming at the pain of it, she held onto the man that had caused it and screamed again when he was suddenly jerked from her.
    Nic wanted to laugh. It was painful not doing so, but he was barely holding onto his humor. Every time he looked at his father, his back so flat to the floor that he looked as if he might be trying to merge into it, Nic had to work all the harder at not laughing. He was sure it was the cat, his massive jaws around his father’s

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