Angel's Halo: Guardian Angel

Angel's Halo: Guardian Angel by Terri Anne Browning

Book: Angel's Halo: Guardian Angel by Terri Anne Browning Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terri Anne Browning
that was basically a pay-by-the-hour kind of establishment. Which was why Lexa didn’t come here to visit me. My heart lifted as I realized just how much of a wonderful present Spider had given me with that key to our new house.
    It was with that thought that I unlocked my car and got inside. Starting it I barely looked at the gages before putting it in drive. I had an almost full tank of gas so I was good…
    I’d barely gone five feet when I realized my error and glanced down at the gages on my dash with a groan. I had a flat. Muttering a curse I shoved the gearshift into park and got out to inspect which tire was being an asshat. If I was lucky it was just low and I could put some air in it at the gas station just down the block.
    Both tires on the driver side were perfectly fine, but when I walked around the back of the car to check out the passenger side I started cursing and I didn’t stop until I had my phone in my hand and it was ringing on the other end.
    Raven picked up on the second ring. “Hey, we’re on our way. I’ll see you in a few.”
    “Can you stop by and pick me up?” I rushed to ask before she could blow me off and hang up. Raven wasn’t much for phone conversations, I’d learned in recent weeks.
    “Yeah, sure. Is everything okay?”
    I heard Lexa talking in the back ground and pressed my lips together. “I’m having some tire issues.”
    “That sucks. Well I’ll be there in a few.”
    She hung up without so much as a goodbye and I lowered the phone as I continued to glare at my very flat tire with a screwdriver sticking out of the side. Who the fuck had done something like that? Not many people had the balls to mess with my shit these days. They knew that I was Spider’s ol’ lady and that if they messed with me, they risked his rage. The sheep had quieted down considerably since they’d found out we were getting married and the ones that still held a grudge didn’t have the balls to do anything about it.
    But someone had very deliberately shanked my tire.
    A little unnerved, I got back into my car and backed it up into the parking space it had been in. I kept the doors locked and sent Spider a text that I would need a new tire tomorrow. Seconds later I got a reply assuring me that Clutch, from Uncle Jack’s garage, would take care of it tonight.
    Now all I had to do was explain to my big, scary enforcer that someone was playing not so nicely with my shit.
    Damn it.

Chapter 7
    I’d tried to put the whole Harley thing behind me by the time I’d gotten to the bar. He knew not to fuck with me. Club brother or not, I would gut him without hesitating if he tried anything with Gracie. I didn’t let it eat at me while I got to work cleaning behind the counter.
    Normally it was Raven that came in and cleaned everything, but now that she was pregnant we didn’t want her messing with anything stronger than Lysol. Lately we barely even let her come in to work unless it was to do the books. She was pissed about it because she wanted to pull her fair share, but after losing one niece or nephew that hadn’t had a chance to take its first breath I wasn’t going to take any chances with this one.
    Muttering a curse, I threw a dirty bar rag into the bucket and glared up at the ceiling. It always came back to Felicity. Even little things made me think of her and my anger would start to simmer all over again. I wanted to wrap my hands around her neck and shake her. We still had people keeping their eyes open for her, but she might as well have been abducted my aliens the way we couldn’t even find any leads on her.
    Around four, my brothers started coming in. Colt was whistling as he went about his normal routine of stocking liquor. Colt only whistled when he had just gotten some, so I knew that he must have come from the clubhouse. Raider, however, came in cussing up a storm and throwing shit.
    Colt’s whistling stopped when Raider threw a shot glass at his head. When Colt ducked,

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