Another Cheating Wife Bundle!: Sexy 3-Story Erotic Collection

Another Cheating Wife Bundle!: Sexy 3-Story Erotic Collection by Felicity Fleming

Book: Another Cheating Wife Bundle!: Sexy 3-Story Erotic Collection by Felicity Fleming Read Free Book Online
Authors: Felicity Fleming
is he doing here?”
    “Oh, him?” Brandon shrugged, as casually as if he’d just invited somebody over for happy hour. “I was telling him about your hot-ass wife and he wanted to come check her out.”
    David nearly exploded.
    “What the fuck do you mean?” he snapped. “Get him out! Get out!” He started to push Tyrone towards the back door – and that turned out to be a very bad move indeed.
    Like an angry bear, Tyrone whipped around and clamped a big, black hand over David’s throat. Then he picked up the smaller man and slammed him into the wall; so David’s feet were dangling off the floor.
    “Don’t you fucking touch me , man.”
    David’s face went white. His whole body went limp, as a defense mechanism – kind of like “playing possum.”
    “Woah, ease up on the kid, man,” Brandon stepped in, and laid his hands on Tyrone’s arms; encouraging him to lower David back to the floor. “He’s just looking out for his woman, dig?” And then Brandon turned to David. “Yeah, you don’t want to pull that shit with Tyrone.” He sniffed. “Let’s just say my cousin isn’t as… refined as the likes of you and me.”
    David staggered back, clutching his throat.
    “Y-you can’t do this,” he gasped. “The arrangement was f-for...”
    Brandon laughed.
    “Arrangement? Our arrangement ?” The big, black man narrowed his eyes. “I seem to remember, the arrangement was I got to look at your wife’s tits. But instead, I bust my nut in the bitch last night, so it seems to be that the ‘ arrangement ’ is kind of fluid .”
    He patted his cousin on the shoulder.
    “And it just so happens I owe Tyrone here five hundred bucks,” Brandon grinned, “and he’s willing to… overlook that if he gets his turn with your sweet-ass woman.”
    “No, no, no,” David shook his head. “Absolutely not .”
    Brandon rubbed his hands together.
    “Listen, buddy,” he placed a heavy hand on each of David’s shoulders and stared into the smaller man’s eyes intently. “I kind of owe Tyrone, and you kind of owe me – and I’ve got a feeling that whether you say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to this, it’s going to happen either way.”
    David swallowed. He felt like he was going to vomit.
    “Let me see her,” Tyrone grinned. “Man, my balls are aching.”
    “She’s this way,” Brandon pushed David aside, and the two big, black men started striding down the corridor towards the bedroom.
    “Wait,” David called after them; and when they ignored him, he just scurried in their wake. “Wait! Guys!”
    Brandon was already opening the door to the bedroom. He held up his thick finger to his lips. “Sssssh!” Then they peered inside.
    “Aw, man,” Tyrone’s eyes widened as the light fell across the bed. “She looks like an angel.” He turned to David and snorted: “How’d this skinny white boy score a beautiful girl like that?”
    “Beats me,” Brandon laughed. “Come on; let’s take a closer look.”
    “Guys,” David warned. “Seriously, guys …” But they ignored him.
    Brandon stood at the top of the bed and grabbed the covers; lifting them up and exposing Cassie’s pale, curvy body.
    “ Dayum ,” Tyrone groaned. “Fuck, man. She’s gorgeous.” He started unbuckling his belt.
    “Woah,” David stepped forward and grabbed Tyrone’s shoulder. “What the hell do you think you’re…. uumph .”
    The ‘uumph’ was because Tyrone’s big fist had just impacted with David’s stomach; knocking the air straight out of his lungs and sending him slumping onto the opposite wall.
    “Stay down,” Tyrone ordered, and continued unbuckling his pants.
    They fell to the floor just as the winded David looked up – and he immediately lost his breath again.
    Tyrone was naked from the waist down, and hanging from between his legs was the biggest slab of cock David had ever seen; even on the Internet. It made Brandon’s impressive dick seem entirely average; and made David feel like a eunuch by

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