Apocalypse Z (A Zombie Novel)

Apocalypse Z (A Zombie Novel) by G.E. Swanson

Book: Apocalypse Z (A Zombie Novel) by G.E. Swanson Read Free Book Online
Authors: G.E. Swanson
wrong turn and got lost, ending up in the wrong wing. They worked their way back around to the stairwell and started again. Once they got their bearings, it didn’t take them long to find the room where the guards slept.
    Mark removed the mask and slid the hose under the door. He listened carefully and heard the other four guards inside snoring. Dedee placed some towels under the door and turned the cylinder on. There was a hissing sound as the room filled with the gas. After two minutes, she turned it off. They took the cylinder and towels and hid them in a laundry basket down the hall.
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Sheryl ran to the ICU doors and looked in through the small window. Not seeing anyone inside, she took out the notebook and entered the numbers into the keypad mounted on the wall. Once inside, she ran over to the desk and went through the files. When she found Paula’s chart, she checked the room number and went over to it. Inside, restrained to bed, was something, but it was not Paula. It had on her scrubs and she found her ID sitting on the counter. Sheryl realized she was too late. Paula had already been infected and had turned into one of the living dead.
    “I’m so sorry,” she said as tears filled her eyes.
    Then she heard the doctor behind her. He asked, “What are you doing in here?”
    She turned and shouted, “You bastard! You killed her!”
    Surprised by her outburst, he jumped back. “I’m calling security.” He went behind the desk and picked up the phone.
    Sheryl took the knife from her pocket. Holding it behind her back, she opened it. Walking up to the doctor, she said, “You’re a real son of a bitch.” She took it and jabbed the blade into his chest.
    He grabbed the wound with his hand as blood ran down the front of his shirt and between his fingers. “You stabbed me, you stupid bitch!” he said with a combination of anger and surprise.
    She stepped back as he lunged at her and reached for the knife. She swung it in front of her and sliced the palm of his left hand open, exposing some bone as blood ran down his arm. He quickly pulled his hand back. Taking a step forward, she jabbed it into his chest again.
    He cried out through gritted teeth. “Stop it! That really fuckin hurts!” His legs started to buckle under him.
    She stepped behind him, grabbed the back of his collar, and put the knife to his throat. “Come on, this way.” She guided him into Paula’s room and over to the bed.
    He yelled out, “What do you want?”
    In a harsh voice, she said, “Justice.” Then she shoved his face against Paula’s. She hissed and took a large bite out of his cheek and ripped it away. He cried out and attempted to push himself away from her. Between Sheryl’s anger and his weakened state, she was able to hold him down. Paula bit off his left ear and spit it back in his face, and then she went for his neck. She bit and ripped until the doctor’s blood shot out, painting the walls and cabinets red.
    When he went limp, Sheryl let go. She walked around and looked down. Paula’s blue-white eyes stared back at her and she fought to get free. Sheryl took the knife and plunged the blade into Paula’s temple. She jerked a few times, and then stopped. Sheryl reached down and closed her lifeless eyes. She stood there for a moment then softly said, with tears on her cheeks, “Good-bye, my dear friend. May you rest in peace.” Then she turned and walked out of the room. As she left the ICU, she picked up a glass vase and smashed the keypad by the doors.
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Lisa ran into Todd’s room. She took the I.V. out and tossed it to the side. Todd got up and Lisa helped him put his shirt on over the cast. When he was ready, they quickly went down the hallway toward the pharmacy. Amy helped Todd, and Lisa followed behind them. When they got there, they saw Jeff and Jet standing by the door. Mark and Dedee got there a couple of minutes later.
    Mark asked, “Where’s Sheryl?”
    Lisa shrugged. “She

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