As Meat Loves Salt

As Meat Loves Salt by Maria McCann

Book: As Meat Loves Salt by Maria McCann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maria McCann
buttons on my coat, which, like Zeb, were handsome but difficult to lay hold of.
    'Like a prince. She'll want to eat you,' Peter said as he slid the last one into place.
    Zeb laughed. 'Be kind and let her.'
    Izzy was giving a last brush to his coat. 'I hope Mounseer finds the cooks to his liking. I heard shouting from the kitchen last night.'
    'Have you seen Caro's robe?'Zeb asked him. 'It is magnificent.'
    I stared. 'You have, then?'
    'It's only the husband that's not allowed. You'll take her for My Lady Somebody.'
    'When did she show you?'
    Izzy stopped brushing. 'Are we ready, lads?'
    'The favours!' cried Zeb. With shaking fingers we pinned them on, so that the guests could pluck them off later — another curtsey to Dame Fortune, but one I had not dared to oppose.
    'Here, here!'Peter shoved a glass of wine into my hand. 'Down in one. Go to it.'
    I was glad to obey.
    'Done like a man,' said Izzy.
    'When did she show you the gown?' I repeated, but Zeb and Peter bounded out of the door, eager as dogs to the hare.
    "This is no day for jealousy,'Izzy said, laying his hand on my arm.
    'I'm not jealous.'
    Peter went directly to the garden, while we brothers had first to knock at Caro's chamber. It should have been her father's house, but there was nothing to be done about that. I tapped on the door and heard whispering and a stifled laugh within. Godfrey's voice bade me enter.
    She was standing in the middle of the room, her eyes glittering. A cloak had been thrown over the gown, and her hair hung down loosely as befitted a virgin bride. Mary and Anne, clutching branches of gilded rosemary, looked me over from head to toe. I took Caro by the hand as custom demanded, said the traditional 'Mistress, I hope you are willing', and allowed Godfrey, who was standing in for her father, to lead me out of the room. The bridesmaids, giggling, went on either side of me, their captive man, while Izzy and Zeb stayed behind to escort Caro.
    We slowly descended the stairs. I was in a daze and my shoes, which were not well broken in, pinched. I heard Izzy and Zeb laughing along the corridor. The idea was that Caro should follow me out to the maze, where tables of food and drink would be laid out. There we would pause a while, admiring the delicacies and everybody's finery, until the time was come when Caro and I should make our vows before those assembled. Then there would be well-wishing, much eating and drinking, presents and diversions (perhaps that kissing game with which she had enticed me all those months back) to the sound of sweet music, and afterwards back into the house to gorge ourselves further until the time came for us to be put to bed. I must get through everything, showing no impatience for that blessed moment when the chamber door would shut out their urgings and jests. Then I would turn to her, trembling, aching, while outside the pastimes went on and everyone pictured, with amusement or envy, our mutual entertainment.
    'God has sent you fair weather,' said Anne. We passed through the door by the stillroom and a cry went up, "There he is/'The company was
    assembled and waiting for me just outside the house. Dazzled by the sudden strong light, I with difficulty made out the Master and Mistress, and taking off my hat I bowed to them. Then I looked about me, greeting all the guests with a general bow and a smile. I remarked little Joan, who was lovesick for Mounseer, and another, older dairymaid standing further back in the group. There were also the ostler and his boys, and some of the farmworkers, both men and women, who had laboured by my side in the fields. I wondered did they remember those days, and resent my rise in fortunes.
    'Your mother awaits you in the maze,' said My Lady, whose face was pink with pleasure. At your mother I started guiltily, for I had not missed her. We strolled in a leisurely fashion towards the maze entrance, and my vanity was tickled when I heard one woman tell another that I was a very proper

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