Ask For It
me call the damn locksmith so I can take you inside and make love to you properly.”
    Make love? Properly?
    A tremor of excitement quaked through her belly.
    “There's no need—”
    “There's every need sweetheart. I can't wait much longer and I refuse to take you in the hallway of your apartment building.” She loved when he called her sweetheart. Every shred of femininity inside her melted. The tension in his voice prompted her to open her eyes. His smile was tight, strained.
    “No, I mean I have a friend who has a key.”
    “In this building?” he asked; his voice full of hope.
    She shook her head.
    “I'll call her. She doesn't live far from here.”
    He nodded and took a step back. “Use my phone.”
    She took the smart phone and dialed Cindy's number, amazed that she could even remember it. Taking a deep breath, she smiled up at Trevor. This was going to be awkward since she hadn't mentioned dating anyone recently.
    “I'm not buying,” Cindy said quickly, obviously trying to head off a telemarketer.
    “Cindy, don't hang up. It's JJ.”
    There was a pause. “JJ? I didn’t recognize the number.”
    “I'll explain everything later. I'm afraid I locked myself out. Can I borrow my key?”
    What a thing to have to say. But it was just as much her fault that they were locked out of her apartment. She’d been kissing him just as voraciously.
    “Sure, I'll be right over.”
    “No, don't worry about it.” The last thing she needed was Cindy showing up, causing another delay. “I'm on my way.”
    “See you in five,” JJ said and disconnected the call.
    Eyeing Trevor she handed back the phone. “She’s only five blocks away. Do you want to walk it?”
    His eyebrows headed north. “I think we’d better drive.” He picked up his duffle bag and then wrapped an arm around her waist. “The sooner we get that key, the sooner I can have you all to myself.”
    This time on a Thursday night, the streets were busy. It took them fifteen minutes to get through the lights thanks to events at the local theaters. When they pulled up in front of Cindy’s apartment building, JJ’s heart sank a little. Her beautiful friend was waiting in front, a mischievous smile on her face.
    Before JJ could jump down from Trevor’s rented SUV, Cindy had spotted her and came trotting over. There was no getting around an introduction now.
    “Is that your friend?” Trevor asked.
    JJ nodded, mind racing. She wasn't ready for all the questions. The demands of who, what, where, question Cindy wouldn't need to ask was why. One look at Trevor Wyatt and any woman with a pulse would understand why .
    Trevor rolled down the window and she cut him a look. Neither of them was making this easy on her.
    JJ took a deep, steadying breath and prepared for her two worlds to collide. She knew the instant Cindy got back up to her apartment she'd phone Baby and Gretchen to inform them of Trevor's presence in JJ’s life.
    For years she’d tried to keep her work life separate from her private life. Being surrounded by the fame of NFL stars was a very different world from the quieter life she experienced with her friends and family. More than once she’d had acquaintances and even complete strangers try to use her to get to a pro athlete.
    Tickets, introduction requests, one woman had even tried to get JJ to give a third baseman a pair of panties with her number written on them.
    Not that Cindy would do any of that. And Trevor wasn’t so much a part of that old world anymore as he was her private life.
    That realization shocked her like a jellyfish.
    “Cindy Smith this is Trevor Wyatt. Trevor, my old,” she stressed the word with a teasing smile, “friend Cindy.”
    “Well, well, well... It's so nice to meet you Trevor. I'm glad to finally put a face to the man who's had JJ glowing like a firefly. Must have been a fabulous visit up in New York.”
    How did she know all that? And why did Trevor have to laugh like

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