Asking For Trouble
took. Beau fought the urge to go over
there and channel that anger into passion again.
    "I'll tell papa," Carlos threatened with a
twist of his lips.
    Jazzie's face flushed, her eyebrow lifted
and her head jerked back, then her chocolate brown eyes filled with
fire. She wore the look that a Texas woman got on her face when she
was about to kick some ass. It clearly said 'Ah hell no, he didn't
just go there,' and any man in Texas knew to run like hell when he
saw that look. Evidently, Carlos hadn't learned that lesson yet,
because he just stood there challenging her with his eyes.
    She took a step toward Carlos, then pointed
a finger at him and narrowed her eyes, before she said, 'You tell
papa and I'll make sure he knows about you getting arrested trying
to sneak into Maria Ramirez's bedroom when you were eighteen.
Remember that? Remember me taking all the money I made working that
summer to bail your ass out? I'm sure he'd be a little upset you
never told him, and swore me to secrecy too! Corrupting your
little sister, making her go to that nasty jail--"
    "I get it!" Carlos yelled and huffed out a
breath, then pointed a finger at Beau again and growled, "Keep your
fucking hands off my sister!"
    Beau had no idea how sibling dynamics in a
family worked, because he hadn't had any siblings, until about a
year ago, but Jazzie was obviously an expert at it. She'd wrangled
Carlos into a box and tied a neat bow around it in the span of a
few seconds. Beau wanted to laugh, but he could only stand there in
stunned amazement.
    Carlos huffed out a breath, then he turned
and walked to the counter and picked up the grits, and got a
serving spoon, then he told her sharply, "I came in here to get the
grits, and tell you that everyone is at the table and wants to talk
about Frankie--if that's still something that interests you."
Without another word, he slammed back out of the swinging kitchen
doors and left them standing there.
    Now, Beau did chuckle, and Jazzie looked at
him with the remnants of her anger clearly in her eyes. With her
hands still on her hips, she swung her head around and asked him,
"What's so damned funny?"
    "You are...has anyone told you how beautiful
you are when you're mad?" Beau asked her sincerely, then he
whistled and told her reverently, "You were brilliant,
    A sly sexy smile cocked up one side of her
full mouth, and she said, "No, can't say that they have...scary has
been bandied about once or twice by my brothers though."
    "That I can understand, and I can laugh
because I wasn't on the receiving end of that sassy mouth of
yours...this time," he told her ruefully then walked over and gave
her a hug. "Let's go see what they found out about Frankie," he
told her then grabbed her hand and laced his fingers with hers.
    She pulled her hand out of his and stepped
back, then looked up at him with sadness in her eyes. "Don't make
statements like holding my hand in front of other people, or
kissing me, or touching me, you'll give people the wrong
idea...skip the affection, let's just keep it to sex, just like you
want it." she told him, then walked through the swinging doors,
leaving Beau standing there stunned.

    Jazzie took a seat at the table in between
Chase and Dave Logan, and looked down the table at her pale mother
and asked, "Mama are you feeling better?"
    "No, I won't feel better until your brother
is back home," her mother told her and looked down at her
    Logan cleared his throat and then said,
"Well, let's talk about what I found out so far."
    When the kitchen door swung open and Beau
walked through it, Jazzie followed him with her eyes, until he took
a seat in between Carlos and her mother, then dragged her gaze back
to Logan's ruggedly handsome face.
    He looked down into Jazzie's eyes and told
her, "The call to your cell phone appears to have originated from
somewhere near San Antonio. We haven't pinpointed

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