Aspens Vamp

Aspens Vamp by Jinni James

Book: Aspens Vamp by Jinni James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jinni James
Tags: Paranormal
immediately picks up her phone and sends a text to Michael as I lean over to gently shake this poor girl awake.
    I place my hand gently on her arm and shake as easily as I can. Given how I am a vampire it takes an extra effort to make sure I do not cause her anymore harm. I look over at Avalon as she sits there concern written all over her face.
    "Does she have a name?"
    Avalon shakes her head back and forth. "We never could get her to talk at all."
    I look down at her as she lays there.
    "She is probably traumatized beyond belief. I'd be surprised if we can get her to speak at all."
    I feel the tears building in my eyes but I pull all of my strength out in order to help her. I give her another gentle shake. She begins to stir. She stretches her legs then rolls over onto her back. I can tell this causes her pain by how her eyes and brows squint. She opens her eyes so I take that moment to introduce myself.
    "Do not be alarmed. My name is Jaci. I am a doctor. I am here to help you."
    She gives me a nod in agreement.
    "May we turn the lights on so that I may examine you?"
    Again she nods a yes to me. I look to Avalon who is already standing and walking over to the light switch. Since it's a dimmer light we turned it on but not extremely bright. Ava walks back over and takes her place next to me.
    "Okay. Good. May I look at you?"
    She nods a yes once more. Just then a knock at the door startles us all. Michael opens the door to bring my bag inside. The second she sees Michael she begins to freak out. She lets out a soundless scream and backs up as close to the headboard as she can. Her hands clasp her throat as she reaches for me. Her eyes are so wide as though she is terrified.
    "It's okay. It's okay. This is Michael. He is my friend. He will not hurt you. He is just bringing my bag to me so I may examine you. You have nothing to fear in this house."
    She begins to calm but her entire body is still shaking. What did JR do to her? Michael bows his head towards me and her then backs out of the room.
    "Avalon, can you go get some wet wash clothes and some towels? It will work for now until we can get her strong enough for the shower."
    Avalon nods and walks out of the room.
    "Okay. I am going to examine you now. Is that okay?"
    She opens her mouth as if to speak but then just nods in agreement.
    I stand up then sit on the bed in front of her. "I am going to be touching you to see if anything is hurt too badly. If I ask you if something hurts and it does just shake your head yes. If it does not hurt just shake your head no. Okay?"
    She nods a yes, and I get to work. I figure what better place to start than her head. I examine her head as well as I can with all of her red hair flowing around it.
    She does have beautiful hair, long, thick, and a bright red. I find myself a little envious then shut that down immediately. This poor girl has been through so much. I only find a small knot on her head that shouldn't be much of a problem. I press around the knot and ask if it hurts. She nods no. I look down her neck and shoulders seeing bruise after bruise. I press gently while asking if anything hurts. She nods no again. I make my way around to where I am face to face with her. I place my hand against the sheet that she is holding in front of her and silently ask permission to move it. She gives it up willingly. I notice bruises all over her chest then suddenly I notice something else around her right breast. Is that a bite mark? I press there and ask if it hurts. Her brows strain as she looks at me and nods yes. "Did he bite you?" She nods again.
    That bastard!
    I continue my examination only to find more bite marks all over this poor girl’s body. It appears JR bit her many times but never actually infecting her so she never turned. The biting was probably excruciating though since I am almost positive he didn't control her mind to do it.
    No wonder this poor girl doesn't want to speak, or it could be she screamed so loudly that she

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