Assault on the Empress

Assault on the Empress by Jerry Ahern

Book: Assault on the Empress by Jerry Ahern Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jerry Ahern
know. You lost him. Now I must get him back. As simple as that. You can best serve the state now by providing me with information. The names of any likely persons who would have risked smuggling him out with the fishing fleet and were possessed of a fast enough boat to get away from the fleet, reach Italy and be able to return without being missed. I will especially be interested in any returning boats from the fleet which didn’t catch the usual amount of fish or any fish at all. And, if you have such information, and as a policeman I would assume that you might, where is the most likely spot that Alyard would have been put ashore. Near Brindisi? Where? The female agent I’m working with will be in charge and one of my men will be with her. The other thing you can do is keep your hands off David Stakowski.”
    â€œHe might have much valued information, Comrade Major.”
    â€œThat will be for the ears of my superiors in Moscow. If you need to be informed of this via official channels, that too can be arranged. The point is, you have work to do and so do I. The optimum method then is for us both to be about it. For the good of the state, of course.”
    â€œBrindisi is the most likely spot. Smugglers can be supplied there, our informants say, with Western goods. We bend every effort to stop them, Comrade Major, but …”
    Vols smiled at the Albanian secret policeman. “In my country, American blue jeans are very hot items on the black market. Yet, when the security of the state is at stake, we will sacrifice pursuit of blue-jean smugglers for the higher good. I suggest that you follow our example, Captain.” He turned and started walking up the beach. But he looked back over his shoulder and called to the policeman who still looked after him, “Remember! The woman is in charge!” And under his breath, Vols added, “You bloody ass.”

Chapter Eight
    The telephone call he had made from Brindisi had not been encouraging. Stakowski had been captured and it was evident that the KGB had made him—Alyard—as the courier for the ampule. He was speaking with the chief “wizard” who had contrived what so far had proven to be an unpleasant comedy of errors. “The firm doesn’t think our interests would best be served by your immediate return to Rome. Our branch here has been in contact with the home office and we think extending the road trip would be advisable since our other salesman has come down very seriously ill. Even though you have his samples, I don’t think you can cover the whole territory yourself, Tom. We have an experienced man available who can help you. He’s from the home office. If you can meet him and give him the extra samples you have, he can take a lot of the burden off your shoulders. And let me say, so far you’ve done wonderfully.”
    â€œWell, gee, thanks, Mr. Fleege. If you really think I should.”
    â€œOhh, there’s no doubt about it. I could see you coming down with the same thing our other man got if you don’t watch yourself closely. There’s a lot of it going around. Especially in your area and here in Rome. No. The wise thing, believe me, is to get together with the guy from the home office, unload those extra samples and then—well. you’ve been doing so well—why not take a few days off? Just lose yourself in the countryside and relax, guard your health at the same time? Everybody here thinks it’s the best thing to do, Tom.”
    â€œWell, Mr. Fleege, if you really think so. Where should I meet this guy from the home office?”
    â€˜We’re not sure when he’s coming in, so he’ll find you if you check in with our district warehouse on the coast.”
    â€œAll right. Will he have my vacation check?”
    â€œHe sure will. Bringing it from the home office with him. Hey, and Tom?”
    â€œYes, Mr. Fleege?”
    â€œYou have a good rest now. And

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