
Aura by M.A. Abraham Page B

Book: Aura by M.A. Abraham Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.A. Abraham
at until his mouth settled with unerring accuracy over a nipple, puckered and sensitive to his touch.  She gasped an objection she really did not mean, yet knew she must.  A pulsing sensation gripped her, as he bit the tip lightly setting off a throbbing between her legs, and she screamed in panic.

"No! Please no.  You cannot do this!  Wolf.  Oh, please, no." What scared her even more was the small inner voice that belied her words and screamed YES!

Wolf, hearing the screams from out in the field where he had been chasing down yet another hare, stopped then ran to protect his mistress.  Again.

The sound of the woman's voice penetrated the red haze that had taken over his mind and he moved to silence her objections.  The last thing he wanted was for her to be rescued at this moment, not when he was this close to breaking through her defenses, not when he was this close to making her his.  He repossessed her lips as he tried to hold her thrashing body still.  His senses were so completely under the control of the lust pounding through his veins that he was not even aware of her lip splitting under his as he attempted, unsuccessfully, to force them open.

So oblivious to anything about them was he that he was totally taken by surprise when the wolf attacked, digging his teeth deep into his sore arm.

All thoughts of the woman left his mind as he fought to keep the wild animal from his throat and his mind focused on the danger before him.  He knew instinctively that he could not depend on the woman for help, not when he had just been stopped short of taking her as he had.  In fact he was surprised that she was not helping the wolf.

Aura watched the two adversaries as they wrestled about on the floor of the cave, and collected her scattered wits about herself.  When she felt she was in control once more she called Wolf to her side.  The wolf left the man and came to stand beside her.  He was still growling to warn the man off and his teeth were barred to show he meant business.

"You are obviously recovered enough to travel."  Aura snarled.  She was angered by the man's audacity and her own reactions to his manhandling.  "I suggest that when you get back to wherever you are going that you get someone to cut the little stitches that I have put into your arm and pull them out.  Now, I would appreciate it if you would gather whatever is yours and get out.  You have overstayed your welcome and abused my hospitality."

He glared at the wolf and the woman as he rubbed at the bites on his arms, then nodded.  "You are right.  I owe you an apology.  I will leave, but not until you agree to come with me.  You cannot live in this cave forever, I will not let you."

"I can live wherever I choose.  Nor do I need you or your permission to do so.  You do not own me, I can do as I please."

"You are a woman in a man's world.  You will soon learn that there are many things that you will never be able to do.  That wolf will not be able to protect you from everyone.  In fact you could have been mourning a wolf as well as a snake if I would have had my sword nearby.  Then you would have been more than just a little at my mercy."  He spoke through his pain and frustration.  If it were not for the wolf at her side he would have attacked her again.  It was not a thought that he was proud of.

"Haven’t you done enough?"  Aura shot back.  "I am overwhelmed by the extent of the gratitude you have shown me for having saved your life.  Next time I find you beaten and left for dead in some forest I will just leave you laying wherever you have fallen."

She stormed out of the cave and refused to return until he had gathered whatever was his, mounted his horse and galloped off.  Once gone she returned to the cave, where she sat beside Roger.  Placing her hand against the snake’s cold, still form, she cried.  She would bury him then move on.  She did not trust the man not to return.  If he did, she

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