Australian Hospital

Australian Hospital by Joyce Dingwell

Book: Australian Hospital by Joyce Dingwell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joyce Dingwell
Trisby was not on duty, but also did not attend. Candace knew she had been asked, for Claire had told her so. “I hope she doesn’t come,” she had said, and she got her wish.
    Standing in the church, old by Australian standards but young in English estimation, Candace watched these two she had come to love quite dearly in a very short time, united.
    She had been surprised to see Stephen Halliday enter the dimmed interior. She wondered whether Eve had known he was coming. Probably not; if she had, she would most likely have come herself.
    The ceremony was inspiring. During the address the officiating minister quoted the Manathunka plaque and applied the words to this young couple. They were in the morning of their life together, he said.
    “... as the light of the morning when the sun riseth ... as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain...”
    Candace happened to be looking in Stephen’s direction. As the words from the Book of Samuel were recited she saw his lips tighten distinctly, and a grave, almost stern look come over his face.
    He did not attend the reception afterwards, but Toby Ferry was there, and with him Manathunka’s erstwhile occupational therapist, Barbara Breen.
    Candace recalled what the little aide Brenda had said of Barbara. Brenda was right. The therapist was lovely and vivacious. As lovely in her rich sunflower colouring as was Eve, the ice-maiden. No wonder, Candace decided, Eve does not want her at Manathunka, then instantly she chided herself for such an uncharitable and childish idea. “No one could be that cruel; sufficiently cruel to deprive helpless people through sheer personal jealousy,” she thought.
    By Claire’s request Bobby Grenfell had been pushed in his wheel-chair to the ceremony. He was now consuming lemonade and cakes with gusto.
    “Was it a man or a lady?” he kept asking of Candace.
    He was speaking of the minister. In Manathunka’s Welfare Hall, where church services were held, the visiting clergy only wore their ordinary outdoor dress, not vestments, and Bobby was plainly puzzled.
    Toby Ferry brought Barbara along to meet Candace.
    “Claire told me all about you. She said you were the right sort.”
    “When are you coming back to Manathunka, Miss Breen?” acknowledged Candace.
    “I’m supposed to be on leave, but I’m really being reconsidered. One thing, they can’t dismiss me until they’ve thrashed it out at the Board Meeting. That’s one of the time-honoured rules. Sister Jamieson, you will fight for me, won’t you?”
    “I certainly shall,” promised Candace stoutly, adding humorously, “If it’s only for the salvation of Miss Walsh.”
    “It’s Miss Walsh that makes me want to get back and get my teeth into things. I can do something for that woman. I know I can. It’s only a matter of sorting her out, if you can understand. There must be something she’s interested in.”
    Arthur and Claire left on their honeymoon, and Candace pushed a rapturous Bobby home to Manathunka, where Sister Arnold dubiously expressed the hope that all the goodies he had consumed would not cause his dreams to become nightmares.
    The next Wednesday was her day off, and as the Tilburns were stopping at their city flat during their shopping sojourn, Candace accepted an invitation to spend the night with them.
    She was a little disconcerted upon her arrival to find that Stephen Halliday had also been invited.
    “This is just like on board ship,” beamed Mrs. Tilburn.
    “Yes, we only want John, don’t we, Candace?” said Rosemary.
    Candace felt Stephen looking at her, and to her annoyance she flushed.
    Rosemary noticed it, too. She was silent for a while.
    Stephen departed about ten. Candace went at ten the next morning. She spent from eight until that hour over the breakfast table, describing Manathunka and its inmates to Mrs. Tilburn, who was very interested, and who kept on pressing for more and more details.
    Rosemary came with her to

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