B006DTZ3FY EBOK by Diane Farr Page A

Book: B006DTZ3FY EBOK by Diane Farr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diane Farr
giggled. “Y our secret is safe with me. Such a lovely color! I wish I could wear that shade. ”
    Hannah was dressed very correctly for a girl of nineteen, in a modest, but elegant, Indian muslin. It was true that the white of her gown was a better choice for her than soft pink would have been. The delicate tint would have made Hannah ’ s already-pink complexion appear red as a beet.
    “Y our own costume is quite becoming, ” said Cynthia loyally.
    Hannah pulled a face. “T hank you. I look plump as a pigeon in it, of course. But that can ’ t be helped. ”
    Cynthia was hard-pressed to think of an answer to this. Hannah was short and plump; there was no denying it. Fortunately, Lady Ballymere interrupted them before she needed to reply. Lady Ballymere drifted over to the two friends and perched on a nearby chair, smiling archly.
    “L ady Hannah, I am agog to know your opinion of Mr. Whittaker. You have known him for some time, have you not? A most handsome young man. Or so I think. ”
    Cynthia felt her hackles rise again, but Hannah seemed to see nothing suspicious in Lady Ballymere ’ s overture. “M r. Whittaker is very handsome, ” she agreed innocently. “H e and Lady Malcolm are often mistaken for twins. And I think my Aunt Natalie a very pretty person. ”
    “H e seems agreeable as well. ”
    “O h, he is more than that. ” Hannah suddenly sat up, animated. “H e is the kindest man imaginable. You know, I have always been stupidly afraid of horses — always! — and last year, he taught me to ride. Just a little, but no one had been able to teach me anything before. He was so patient, and never once laughed at me. I was excessively grateful. ”
    “O ho! Handsome and kind. He sounds the perfect match for some lucky young lady. ” Lady Ballymere shot an amused glance at Cynthia , inviting her to share the joke. “I wonder why he singled you out, Hannah dear? What reason could there possibly be? ”
    Hannah looked startled. “I don ’ t believe he singled me out, precisely. ”
    Lady Ballymere gave an indulgent laugh. “W as he teaching other young ladies to ride? No? ” She tilted her chin as if considering, then laughed again, shaking her head. “W ell, I daresay you would think my view of the matter quite impertinent, so I shall not voice it. ”
    She rose and drifted away to join Lady Malcolm and the duchess by the fire, so she did not see the bright blush that suffused Hannah ’ s face.
    “I … I never thought of that, ” muttered Hannah, stiff with distress. “I wouldn ’ t think of that. ”
    “Y ou are too modest, ” said Cynthia quietly. Pain moved in her heart. Was it jealousy? She refused to examine it. She would think about it later. For now, she kept her attention firmly focused on Hannah ’ s embarrassed face. It bothered her that Hannah evidently thought so little of her own charms. “I s it such a strange thought? ” she asked her gently. “T hat a gentleman might admire you? ”
    Hannah gave a tiny gasp. Her hands fisted in her lap, clutching her muslin skirts. “A dmire me? Derek Whittaker? ” She shook her head with mute vehemence. “I t wasn ’ t like that. I cannot explain, but it wasn ’ t like that. ”
    Cynthia was watching her friend closely. “T he notion seems unwelcome to you. ”
    “O f course it is! ”
    “W hy? ”
    Hannah seemed, for a moment, to be at a loss for words. Then she found her tongue. “B ecause I wouldn ’ t know what to do, ” she exclaimed, then gave a shaky laugh. “O nly think how awkward it would be! I ’ ve never been admired, you know. Not in that way. And to have a gentleman like Mr. Whittaker admire me — a man who is such a favorite of the ladies, so sought-after ... ” She blushed again, biting her lip. “O h, it ’ s preposterous! I would never catch the eye of a man like that. You should see the way women look at him! And, besides ... he is family, you know. He is Aunt Natalie ’ s brother. There is

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