Book: B00CQUPUKW EBOK by Ana E Ross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ana E Ross
strong psychological and emotional background, I have no doubt that he’ll eventually adjust to life without his parents.”  She looked from Kaya to Bryce.  “You two have to be there for him.”
    Bryce’s gazed locked with Kaya’s across the table.  Was that a hint of uncertainty he saw lurking in her eyes?   Her hands seemed a bit unstable as she rubbed Anastasia’s back.  She was displaying the same nervousness as she did this morning in Steven’s office when she talked about Jason.  What had gone down between the two of them?
    “There are some issues that need to be addressed immediately,” Samantha said, placing a pair of reading glasses on her nose.  She pulled a pen and an appointment calendar from her tote bag.
    “What kind of issues?” Bryce asked.
    She opened the calendar.  “I’d rather not discuss them now.  I would like to see you both in my office in the morning.   Uh… around ten.  Is that possible?”
    They both nodded, their eyes locking in silent combat. 
    “Good.”  Samantha glanced at the empty feeding bottle.  “She’s eating.”
    Just then Anastasia burped loudly, pulling chuckles from all of them.
    “Well, there’s my answer.”  Samantha reached over and ruffled Anastasia’s head of curly black hair.  “At least this little darling is spared the pain of grief.  One day you’ll have to tell her about her parents.”
    “I’ll do that,” Bryce said, his gaze capturing Kaya’s again.  “I knew them better than anyone else.  I will fill the void Michael’s absence has created.”
    “I can’t think of anyone who’s better suited for the job.  They’re lucky to have you, Bryce.  And you too, Kaya.”  Samantha sighed.  “Well, I think I’ve done all I can here for the night.”
    “Thanks for the house call, Samantha.” Bryce rose to assist her.
    “No need to thank me, Bryce.  I’ll do anything to help these little ones cope.  Their parents were faithful members of our church.”  She picked up her tote and slid it over her shoulder.  “Oh, I forgot to tell you that I called in a mild sedative for Jason.  The pharmacy will be delivering it shortly.”
     “A sedative?” Kaya exclaimed.  “Is that wise?” 
    “I understand your concern, Kaya, but I’m a board-certified psychiatrist, and I did discuss it with the pediatrician who’s covering for Dr. LaCrosse.”
    “I don’t mean to question your qualifications.  It’s just that he’s only a kid.”
    “I only prescribe sleep aids for children in extreme situations.  This is as extreme as it gets.  Jason hasn’t slept in two days.  He told me that whenever he closes his eyes, he pictures his parents in the ravine screaming for help.” 
    “But didn’t he think they were in Europe with Bryce?” Kaya asked.
    “Ah, the mind is an intricate entity, Kaya.  Jason knew his parents were dead.  He knew how they’d died.  He just didn’t want to accept or believe it, at least not until he was with someone he felt comfortable with, someone he trusted as much as he trusted them, someone he knew loved him, and would be there to catch him when he fell apart.”  Samantha gave Bryce a knowing nod and a smile, though grim.
    Bryce understood exactly what Jason was going through.  He’d almost gone crazy the first few weeks after Pilar’s death.  He didn’t eat.  He was afraid to sleep because of the nightmares. 
    “We’ll talk more tomorrow.”
    “I’ll walk you out.”
    “No need, Bryce.  I know my way.  Go check on Jason.”
    All was silent in the kitchen after Samantha left.  Bryce stared out as the last bits of light faded into darkness.  Night had descended upon them.  Figuratively and literally.
    Kaya stood up with a sleeping Anastasia over her shoulder.  “I’ll put her down then take care of Alyssa while you tend to Jason.” 
    Bryce watched her closely.  Were those dark circles under her eyes and worry marring her brow?  Maybe she’d back down now that

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