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Book: Babe by Joan Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joan Smith
Tags: Regency Romance
yet to come.
    It seemed to go on for hours. There was turtle soup, the first of the season, always looked forward to with pleasure, but giving less pleasure than soft pudding tonight. Her head was throbbing long before it was over. The only relief was that Lady Angela was not there. It was odd she was not, as Lady Withers had mentioned she was invited. What had kept her away? When she mentioned it to Clivedon, he answered in his most cutting voice, “She is a little particular in whom she associates with. Need I say more?”
    This was more than enough to pull Barbara out of her dumps. Don’t apologize, he had said, and she had seen its inefficacy already in trying once to apologize to him. She hadn’t done anything that awful that she would cringe and beg for mercy. No, and she would never have done anything at all if he had not treated her so abominably. Her spirits were higher than they had been all evening when finally she confronted Clivedon across the saloon, empty now but for themselves.
    “Congratulations on a fine evening’s performance,” he began, on a sardonic note.
    “Thank you, sir. It is but the first of many performances that will ensue between us if you insist on treating me as you have done.”
    “I tend to treat people pretty well as they deserve. I have not seen such a childish display of bad manners as you put on this evening for some time. If you had followed my lead at the theater and let on I knew you were coming, nothing would have been thought of it but that I was a little lax in what company I allowed you to keep. It was your flaunting in everyone’s face that you were disobeying my orders, and that announcement from Gentz! Was that your idea?”
    “No. I was surprised at his saying it. I rather think it was your friend’s interference that gave rise to it. Odd she should have been so busy, as she is known to be very particular whom she deals with.”
    “You’re quite sure you didn’t plant the idea in his head?”
    “Oh, the idea has been there an age, but I have not encouraged it.”
    “It seems to me that with any real conviction you might have removed it before now.”
    “He was only afraid you’d call him out, and thought propriety might deter you, if he were thought to be my fiancé. He is well aware how high you hold yourself, you see.”
    “Simpleton! That’s not why he said it. He thinks to force my hand by that announcement.”
    Barbara had not set out to conciliate him, and was very surprised to see he had calmed down considerably. His next speech was hardly angry-sounding. “I think we smoothed it over as well as could be done, calling it a joke. Though, according to Angela, there was plenty of tattle. Hardly the first time you’ve managed to make yourself the center of vulgar attention.”
    “No, and not likely the last either,” she answered very pertly. “What are your plans for me?”
    “It will be the last, if you know what is good for you.” A hurried discussion with his sister had decided him to remove her from Lady Graham to Agnes at once. The former dame was too old, too strict, and antique in her activities to hope to appeal to Barbara, and her home too was proving an inconvenient distance from them. He did not wish to seem to be giving in to her, certainly not rewarding her for her trick, but as he had previously mentioned the change, he hoped to imply he was only executing his own plans.
    “I have asked Lady Graham to send your things here. You are too great a burden to foist on one of her years. My sister will keep you for the time being. And I will just drop the hint, she is not at all happy to do it. If you cause her the least bother, you will be sent packing.”
    “Who will be stuck with me next?” she asked.
    “Running out of places where you are welcome, are you? Just as well you realize it. The next step will be for you to set up in a rented house with a hired companion. You may imagine what that will do to your reputation. You haven’t

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