Have Bouquet, Need Boyfriend
walked with her to the
    door. “You work on him and I’ll work on Rebecca. Maybe we can talk her
    into a shopping trip. I’ll discuss it with Suzanne. We need
    to swap those baggy clothes for some sexy ones, so he can see her great
    Thomas escorted Rachel Lackey to the door. “Now remember, call me
    anytime if you start having contractions.”
    “Thanks, Dr. Emerson.” Rachel laid a hand over her burgeoning belly. “I
    don’t know what little Rodney and I would do without you.”
    He shrugged. “Just doing my job.”
    Rachel waved and left. Thomas sighed, grateful she had a husband. His
    last patient, Benita Waters, had asked him to dinner right in the middle
    of her exam. He’d been stunned and had resorted to his usual line- he
    didn’t date his patients.
    Afterward, he’d heard Benita tell Hannah to switch her patient file to
    Hannah for her next exam.
    “Ready to call it a day?” Hannah asked.
    “Yes, how about you?”
    “I just finished with the Terrel twins. What a handful.”
    He laughed. “Doesn’t make you want a kid?”
    “Not like those two. They’re holy terrors.” She slid the chart in the
    bin to be filed. “What happened with Benita? I thought she loved having
    you as her doctor.”
    He grimaced and explained the situation.
    “So you suggested she see me from now on so you could date her?” Hannah
    “No.” Thomas raked a hand through his hair. “I don’t intend to date her.
    Coming to you was her idea. Sorry about that.”
    “It’s not your fault every single woman in town wants you.”
    He chuckled. “Actually, not every one does.”
    She offered a teasing smile. “Someone turn you down for a date?”
    “Not exactly.” He shifted, fumbling with a file, unsure whether to
    confess. But, hell, what harm could it do? “Your cousin Rebecca seems
    less than enthusiastic about being around me.”
    “Hmm. Did you ask her about the murals?”
    “Yes, and she agreed. Reluctantly. I don’t know what I’ve done to make
    her uncomfortable, but I got the distinct impression she doesn’t like
    me.” And that really bugged him.
    Hannah laughed. “Then I guess you’d better turn on the charm when she
    comes to paint the murals.”
    He shrugged, then remembered the lunch meeting to plan the party for her
    grandmother. “How’d the planning session go today?”
    “Great. We nailed down the details.” She described the Tiara Room and
    the small inn where guests would probably stay. “Oh, and Mimi mentioned
    to Suzanne that she and Rebecca could bring dates.”
    “Really.” Why did that idea bring a twinge of jealousy?
    “Suzanne already has someone in mind,” Hannah said. “I’m not sure about
    Rebecca, though. It’ll be interesting to see who she brings. It’ll take
    a special man to see through her shyness to the wonderful person inside.”
    He saw through her shyness.
    And he’d better be her date, he thought, irritated with Hannah’s
    comment, although he didn’t take the time to analyze the reason. Wasn’t
    he special enough for Rebecca?
    He grabbed his doctor’s bag and headed to the door to firm up plans
    about the paintings. But he decided
    to take Hannah’s advice and turn on the charm, just in case he had
    Not that he really wanted a date, he reminded himself. But he did want
    to attend that party-to meet her father. Nothing more.
    Rebecca steeled herself for her meeting with Thomas. In fact, she’d been
    reading How To Get What You Want in between customers, practicing the
    visualizing techniques they suggested for thinking yourself into
    success. But whenever she’d imagined herself turning him on with just
    one passionate look, enticing him to make love to her to get her
    pregnant instead of donating his sperm into a plastic vial, visions of
    her stuttering and falling on her face in front of

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