He had gained some weight and looked like he had been working out.  The color was back in his complexion.
    Casey spotted them and waved.  “Well hello there, you guys! How was the flight down?”
    Their mom hugged him and wiped a tear away from the corner of her eye. “It was good, hon.  You look amazing!”
    Michael hugged him next and when he pulled him in, his brother felt solid, not like a weak drug addict who hadn’t eaten in days. “They must have some good cooking around here ‘ cause damn, Case, you’re looking real good.”
    Casey ducked his head. “Aw hell, I guess that’s what happens when you actually eat and have a place to work out.  Turning into a damn gym rat.”
    “You guys are making him blush!” Eva replied, finally getting through to hug him as well. 
    “Eva, my darling! As stunning as ever!”
    Pulling away, Eva laughed as she studied him. “Darling?  I think he’s crossed over.  He’s becoming a Texan.”
    Within a matter of seconds, Michael’s nervousness dissipated.  He couldn’t remember the last time they had been together, and a happy occasion at that.  Through all of Casey’s attempts at rehab and being clean, this was the first time that he actually even looked better.  In the times before he had never gained weight, appeared healthy, or even smiled as much as he was at that moment.  The emotions were a wonderful euphoria that Michael didn’t want to end. 
    It was also the first time he had seen his mother so relaxed.  She never did admit it out loud, but he knew she was even more hesitant and scared than he was about seeing how Casey truly was doing.  Already, they knew that this time felt different and actually was. 
    He noticed their bags coming down the conveyor belt and grabbed them before they passed by.  They were led outside to an SUV that had an Austin Recovery business logo on the side door.  Casey introduced the other two men as Gary and Todd.  Todd was his counselor and to help with comparisons, said he was a lot like a sponsor in Alcoholics Anonymous programs. 
    The drive wasn’t too long, and took them on the outskirts of Austin.  It was refreshing to travel and not see high-rise buildings everywhere.  Trees and hills were a pleasant view, and though in some places traffic was bad, it was nothing near what they saw in New York. 
    They pulled down the road that housed all the patients in the Austin Recovery program, and if a person didn’t know where they were or where they were going, it could easily have been mistaken for a nice resort.  Trees lined the road and the grass was green, masking any sign of the drought they were experiencing.  They pulled the vehicle into a nearby parking lot next to a building that looked like several condos lined up.  The whole time, Michael couldn’t help but notice how enthusiastic Casey was as he pointed out things along the way.  He was proud of the place and it was the best feeling in seeing him have a purpose and do something fulfilling.
    “I understand why you don’t wanna leave, man, this place looks awesome.” Michael said as they got out.  There was a small hint of smoke in the air.  “How close is the nearest fire to here right now?”
    Casey pulled their luggage out of the back and shrugged.  “Last I heard, there was one over near Bastrop, which is about thirty minutes from here.”
    “Yeah, that’s the one I kept hearing about on the news.”
    “You should go talk to some of the departments around here.  Most of the people fighting the fires are just with volunteer departments.  It hasn’t been a good situation.”
    Michael scoffed.  “What the hell am I supposed to talk to them about? It’s a whole different type of firefighting.”
    “I don’t know. Just might be something to do later on if you have time. Let’s go inside.  I want to introduce you to my roommate and some of the friends I’ve made.”
    By the time they got done being introduced to everyone

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