Bayonets Along the Border

Bayonets Along the Border by John Wilcox Page B

Book: Bayonets Along the Border by John Wilcox Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Wilcox
the bayonets of the Sikhs took their toll and the last of the assailants on Malakand limped away.
    The next day the 35th Sikhs and 38th Dogras were cheered in ontheir arrival from Dargai from the south. The siege of Malakand was over at last.
    Fonthill and Jenkins slept where they sat that morning, with their backs against the west
. They were woken by Inderjit Singh, with two steaming cups of coffee and sandwiches containing very old mutton.
    ‘I watch you during the nights,’ said the Sikh shyly, ‘and if I may say it, you are wonderful fighters, as I remember my father telling me. I am glad you are of the Guides.’
    ‘Well,’ said Jenkins struggling to his feet, ‘I’m glad we are too. Let’s shake ’ands on it, shall we?’
    And they did so, exchanging handshakes and grins, although Simon was too tired to stand.
    ‘Right,’ said Jenkins stretching his arms above his head and gently shaking his bandaged leg. ‘What’s next, bach-wonderful-fighter-sir – a bit of a gallop up these bleedin’ ’ills and then another charge, eh?’
    Fonthill nodded. ‘Something like that.’ Then he took a bite of his sandwich and fell immediately asleep again.

    The fighting, however, was not quite over. About ten miles up the road to the north, some two hundred men of the 45th Sikhs and 11th Bengal Lancers were garrisoning a small fort overlooking a bridge at Chakdara. It was from this direction that the Mad Mullah had led his hordes and there was considerable anxiety among the defenders of Malakand about the safety of this small outpost. Just two words had been received from them – ‘Help us’ – via the heliograph. Meiklejohn had immediately despatched a captain and forty men of the 11th Bengal Lancers to reinforce the post, but nothing had been heard since.
    Now that Malakand was safe the relief of Chakdara became an urgent priority and Meiklejohn immediately organised an additional force of Lancers and Guides’ Cavalry to ride to Chakdara. Colonel Fortescue bustled over to Fonthill to inform him of the plans.
    ‘No need for you two chaps to go,’ he said. ‘You have done morethan enough here and I am sure that you will want to get back to your wife and make plans for the rest of your … er … holiday.’ He gave a wan smile. ‘Fine start you have had to it, that’s for sure.’
    Simon returned the smile. ‘Thank you, Colonel,’ he said. ‘Yes, I think we will sit out this next bit, thank you. I am becoming just a little concerned about Alice because she will be worried about us, of course. So we will return to Marden, thank you.’
    ‘Good. Now, I hear that a pretty large body of troops – a field force, no less – is on its way here to teach these Swats and Bunerwals a lesson they will remember, so you should be safe on the way back. Nevertheless, I will send Buckingham and his troop back with you as an escort …’
    ‘Oh, thank you, but it sounds as though that won’t be necessary, sir.’
    ‘No. I would rather. We can spare them now and I would hate to have some random Pathan sniper pick you off on the way back after all you’ve been through these last five days. I will detail them now and you leave as soon as you wish. The ride should be easier than when we came.’
    He held out his hand. ‘You must forgive me if I go now. I have much to do. Thank you, Fonthill – and please thank Jenkins on my behalf. You two made a most valuable contribution to the defence of Malakand and it has been a pleasure to serve with you. I am only sorry we have ruined the start of your holiday.’
    The two shook hands and Simon went off to find Jenkins and prepare for the journey back to Marden. He was not sorry that they were not expected to continue fighting. His shoulder was bruised from the constant recoiling of the Lee-Metford through the four nights at the
and his eyes were red-rimmed from lack of sleep. Was hetoo old for adventuring now? He sighed. Yes – well, perhaps too

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