Bear The Fire (Firebear Brides 4)
chocolate skin absolutely gorgeous against the ivory tones of her dress, a big number that billowed out in lush waves from her hips. She looked like the most delicious cupcake, and somehow Royce thought this was intentional.
    “You’ll be all right, Rhodes. You caught a good one,” she whispered as she stopped in front of him for a moment, giving him a kiss on the cheek before moving on down the row of grooms until reaching Royce.
    The look on Royce’s face was equal parts mystification and adoration. Rhodes smirked, shaking his head. Who would have thought that the four estranged brothers would come together like this, watched from up above by Uncle Herbert Hamilton himself, and their parents, getting married in Shifter Grove. It boggled his mind, but in a good way.
    Rose was next. Elegant as ever, she had a form-fitting long white dress with a modest train, slinking around her lush curves in brilliant white, making her long blonde locks look all the more radiant. There was a smile so wide on her face that she seemed to put everyone else to shame. Rhodes wiped away something in his eye that could have been a tear as she literally skipped into Redmond’s arms, both of them giddy with excitement.
    Then there was Abigail, the woman he’d only seen in jeans and overalls, covered head to toe in grease and oil and loving every second of it. Her dress was off the shoulder, sweeping around her body in tight folds until it blew out in a mermaid tail marked with little beads that glittered in the sunlight. She had a long veil and white flowers in her dark, unruly curls of hair. Ragnar wasn’t the only one doing a double take. The town mechanic cleaned up nice .
    And then, the moment that made Rhodes’s stomach churn. His very own princess. She wore a classical wedding dress with a touch of vintage charm to it, creamy white with a lace bodice and a sweetheart neckline. It flowed out over her hips and she wore gloves. Kali’s hair was put up in a modest but classy bun, pearls shimmering in it. And she wore the most beautiful smile he’d ever seen.
    His knees buckled and it took honest effort to keep himself from running down the aisle, picking her up, and just carrying her off somewhere to have her all for himself. His throat went dry and every step she took, her mesmerizing green eyes on him, felt like another step toward happiness. He was the happiest man there. Just like every other Hamilton bear standing beside him.
    Kali slipped the bouquet of wildflowers into her other hand as she came up to Rhodes and he took her delicate hand in his, his heart beating so loudly he was surprised anyone could hear anything but that.
    “You’re beautiful,” he rasped, clearing his voice. Dammit, she’d taken his heart and now she took his voice too. Fine, she could have it. She could have all of him.
    “You don’t look too bad yourself,” Kali grinned, winking at him.
    “So, you want to make a run for it?” he asked in a low whisper as they took their places and Warren started conducting the ceremony—something he had gotten quite adept at lately.
    “I don’t think I’m in any condition to run, baby,” she said with a dramatic sigh, rolling her eyes.
    “What do you mean?” Rhodes asked, frowning.
    “I hear pregnant women aren’t supposed to overexert themselves. I’ll drag you out of another fire if you need me to, but no running!”
    The grin she wore was so damn mischievous. With a growl in his throat, Rhodes leaned into her and kissed her hard on the mouth, drawing a round of laughter.
    “Rhodes, wait your damn turn,” Ragnar laughed.
    “You better move this along real fast, Warren. I won’t be held accountable for what I do,” Rhodes said, no malice in his voice as he let Kali go, smiling at her like the biggest fool in the world.
    New beginnings, all right. Rhodes had a feeling that things would be more than just all right for him and the rest of the Hamilton clan from now on.
    Looking to read up on the

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