Beautiful Disaster (A Pirate Romance book, Historical Romance)

Beautiful Disaster (A Pirate Romance book, Historical Romance) by Heather C. Myers

Book: Beautiful Disaster (A Pirate Romance book, Historical Romance) by Heather C. Myers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather C. Myers
her eyes were giving him.  Apparently, she was just as fond of sex as he was.  Her blue eyes were cooled, much like glaciers, as she looked at him with such obvious interest.
    “You do look like a Johnny,” Candace murmured in her velvet tone.  She released his eyes, tilting her head to the side to give him a better view of her chest.  Of course, Johnny being the man that he was, took this opportunity to study what was before him, and after a moment, frowned a bit.  Though the woman seemed to know what she was doing sexually, her body lacked the feminine curves that Izzy had.
    “Candace,” Brian said, the only one who didn’t address her as Candy.  “I’m glad you’re here.  I already trained Johnny, and he is a quick learner.  But I need you to take over the bar while I go count receipts.”
    “You got it, boss,” Candace said, giving him a mock-salute as Brian disappeared into the back.  She smiled flirtatiously at Johnny.  “So I guess it’s just you and me.”
    Another couple of hours passed by, and Candace spent the majority of them shooting innuendos and sexual comments his way.  Johnny flirted back, of course, and found himself enjoying her company… up to a point.  He was a smart bloke, and knew, if anything, this woman was the female incarnate of himself.  While he liked the qualities in her that he admired about himself, he found the conversation was lacking something, although he wasn’t quite sure as to what.  And even though she seemed to get much attention from the patrons sitting at the bar, Johnny felt himself grow bored and his eyes began to search the bar for Izzy.  He couldn’t quite explain it, but she was interesting to him, and she didn’t have to say anything.  Currently, she was laughing at something one of the patrons said to her as she took their order, and he couldn’t help but allow a tiny smile to touch his lips.
    At that moment, Zach appeared at her side, and Johnny felt his body tense and his dark eyes narrow on their own accord.  He intricately watched as the two interacted, and for the first time that night, he noticed a clear, fake smile touch Izzy’s lips.  It was obvious to see that she was trying to be cordial, but there was a pain that flashed in her eyes, and once again, Johnny felt himself frown.  Oddly enough, it would seem that he really did not like to see the woman hurt. 
    Almost as though she knew he was watching her, Izzy lifted her eyes to Johnny, and when they met, she gave him a smile and an inquisitive look.  He read it clearly – was he okay?  He nodded and gave her a small smile in return, and nodded at her with the same questioning look – Are you?  Izzy’s smile widened, touched that he took notice, but she nodded and then turned, heading back to take more orders.
    So many emotions were swirling in the pirate; many he had never felt before and many he never wanted to feel.  He couldn’t quite understand it.  He had a willing, and very good looking woman standing next to him, just waiting for him to say the word and she would give herself to him.  And yet, he couldn’t get the other woman, the one he probably had no sexual chance with at all, out of his head and away from his thoughts.  

Chapter 13
    The night was a lot more fun than Johnny had originally anticipated.  It was interesting to learn the many different ways to mix different drinks, and he decided that when his shift (as he learned it was called) ended, he would try some of those new drinks, though wine was most preferable for him.  Brian was quite an interesting character; there were times when Johnny thought Brian might reprimand him for something (such as his charming behavior), and other times, he felt as though maybe he and Brian might have the opportunity to actually be friends.  The older man was very dry with his wit, and anybody could tell how protective of Izzy he was, looking after her much like she were his own

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