Bedding the Bad Boy (Bad Boys of Football Book 1)

Bedding the Bad Boy (Bad Boys of Football Book 1) by Clementine Roux, Penelope Silva

Book: Bedding the Bad Boy (Bad Boys of Football Book 1) by Clementine Roux, Penelope Silva Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clementine Roux, Penelope Silva
stood up and walked out of the room.
    I should have chased her, but that would have made me look like her little puppet. It’s not what I had in mind when I asked her to help me. I had to let her go, even if it made me feel like an asshole for doing it.
    “Then what? Call you when she tells me?” I asked, referring to Cassandra. “What about court?”
    Paul said, “Well, if you can get her to tell you who hired her, there might not be a court date later. In the meantime, your fiancée is going to have to sit and stew for a while. She’ll understand.”
    They were right. Makeup sex was always better. I could smooth things over with Isla later. For now, I had to worry about myself and my career. I didn’t want to go to jail and I sure as hell didn’t want to give up my career because of some thirsty whores.
    The police escorted me back out to my car. Reporters and fans were still huddled together, anxious to catch a glimpse of me. This time, their line of questioning was different.
    “Are you ready for court?”
    “Why did your fiancée storm off in tears?”
    “How’s the case going?”
    I stopped at the second question to look at the reporter. It was a man wearing a sneer on his face. “What did you ask me?”
    He stammered, surprised I’d addressed him directly. “Um, yeah, your fiancée ran out the door. She looked upset. Did something happen?”
    I didn’t know how to respond. Had she really been crying? Why?
    My attorneys shoved me forward. “Forget about them,” one whispered in my ear. “Just keep walking.”
    I walked, but I couldn’t wrap my mind around what had Isla so upset. Did she know something I didn’t know?
    By the time I had my car on and was ready to peel out of the parking lot, I knew I had to forget Isla and her issues for now. My life was on the line and thinking about her wasn’t going to do anything for me. She’d have to wait. But, when I thought I had her out of my head, there she was, parked on the side of the road, her head in her hands.
    “Damn!” I hit my fist on the dashboard. “Now? Really? You had to do this now?”
    I pulled over without bothering to look to see if there was any traffic behind me and nearly got side swiped by a guy with a camera hanging out of his window.
    Isla startled at the sound of car horns.
    I slammed my car into park and jumped out, ready to explode, but when I got to the driver’s side, I had to stop. She had tears streaming down her face.
    I took a deep breath and motioned for her to lower the window down. “Can we talk?” She wiped her face with the back of her hand. “Please,” I begged.
    She motioned for me to go around and get in. Behind me, people were flashing pictures of us, one right after the other.
    As mad as I was, I couldn’t bring myself to yell at her. “Why are you crying?”
    She punched my arm. “You are a real piece of work! You’re really going to go screw some woman to get information out of her?”
    Whoa, where did that come from? She’s jealous? What does that mean?
    I couldn’t help myself. “Does this mean you want to have my baby? If that’s the case, we can handle it today.”
    Cameras still flashing, she punched me again, this time with less force. “You’re such a jerk! I don’t know why I love you. I must be a glutton for punishment or something.”

Chapter Nine – Isla
    Whe n I woke up this morning, I never imagined I’d be lying naked on Beck’s bed – the bed, he swore he’d never shared with another woman.
    He finally emerged from his office, where this whole affair began, carrying two glasses of wine and nothing more than a seductive smile on his rock hard body. “Thirsty?” He asked coyly.
    I was thirsty, but not for wine. After some heavy petting on the way here and the best tongue teasing I’d ever experienced in my life, I was more than ready for something in my mouth, but the shy girl in me, held me back.
    Beck must have sensed what I was thinking. “Oh, you’re

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