Beguiled (Book 2 Immortal Essence series)

Beguiled (Book 2 Immortal Essence series) by Rashelle Workman

Book: Beguiled (Book 2 Immortal Essence series) by Rashelle Workman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rashelle Workman
himself, Palamina used his d istraction—me—to her advantage. I knew what she intended as she proceeded to step behind Zaren . The water splashed against her boots, and thighs. A great sadness overtook her face, but didn’t slow her down . She brought up her sword and drove it through his ribs, directly into his epsis . A look of disbelief passed o ver Zaren’s face, followed by softness, and then peace.
    “What? No.” It was like I watched a movie in slow motion. One where I knew the way it ended. Knew the good guys conquered all, and the hero would win. The guy and girl would triumph and be together forever. But the ending had suddenly changed . The hero died and evil won . No happily ever after. No love conquering all. Not even close. My feet wouldn’t move. I cursed myself as I watched Zaren fa ll into the water. The soldier —Palamina—caught him before he went under, cupping his head in her hand. She lowered herself so their noses were only inches apart.
    This was all wrong. I wanted to scream. But nothing came.
    “Palamina,” Zaren whispered.
    “I’m so sorry, Zar-Zar . Forgive me, darling.”
    What the cret ? In this ending, the guy loved another girl , and that girl called him Zar-Zar . I suddenly wondered if I had died and this was my own personal hell.
    “Only if you can forgive me, my Mina, ” Zaren choked out, a smile splayed over his lips.
    A smile! I was so confused.
    Zaren closed his eyes.
    The soldi er lightly touched his lips with hers. “I have,” she whispered, and then she let out a huge , mournful roar.
    I matched hers with one of my own. Crashing through the water, I raged toward her. She stood, lifting Zaren’s body over her shoulder.
    “ Palamina, is it?” I seethed.
    “ By the gods, if you don’t put him down, I will destroy you.” My words trembled with a fury hard to contain.
    “Sweet, Venus. I’m already dead. This body is one Ramien gave me. I am a Kyonshi . ”
    I couldn’t help but pause. The K yonshi were better known as the Warriors of the Dead. But they were the demons of fairy tales. Make believe. “You-you killed him ,” I stated matter-of-factly because I felt too numb to do anything else.
    She dropped her sword, and nodded. “ Only his body. Consider that. Stay strong, Venus.” With her words, she and Zaren vanished.

12. Barely Breathing
    “I think we’ve figured it out,” Palmo said .
    He sounded like he was far away, at the other end of long tunnel.
    “Ve nus? ”
    I was being shaken, but couldn’t snap out of it. I kept seeing Zaren drop , hearing him whisper to the Kyonshi , watching him die . My guardian. My personal Formytian. My Zaren.
    A storm brewed. Lightning struck, burning my immortal heart, ripping it to sh reds. Tears pressed against my eyes. Trapped by a barrier , they grew higher and higher, the pressure getting stronger and stronger. I wanted to burst.
    “Venus, the water!”
    I snapped out of it. The water was at my chest. My clothes clung to my body, the way my grief clung to my insides. “Have you figured out the riddle yet?” I asked, breathless. If I wanted to save the others I needed to concentrate.
    “Almost. So far it says : T o open the door . ” He shrugged.
    “ Well , hurry up.” I tread the water, moving closer to Dervinias, Chev and Palmo. Something bumped into my leg. Chev screamed.
    “There’s something in the water,” Dervinias yelled. At the same moment he raised a writhing green snake. It reached back and tried to bite his hand, but its teeth couldn’t penetrate his kelvieri skin. I breathed a sigh of relief. The snakes couldn’t harm me either. But they could harm Palmo. And Chev.
    “I hate snakes,” Palmo shouted.
    Chev went under . Dervinias grabbed her, and yanked her up. She coughed and gasped . “One bit my ankle,” she cried. The water around her turned red, sending the unseen snakes into a frenzy . It looked like the water boiled.
    “ Cret ,” I swore, slashing at the

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