preoccupied with inflicting as much pain as possible with her fingers on the one part of the young woman’s body, and this she did with a furious gusto.
    Suddenly she stopped and, pulling her own dress high, threw her legs over Belinda, wriggled up her body and planted her sex over the suffering female lips beneath. Belinda could scarcely breath with the weight of that fanny pressing on her mouth, and she sucked vigorously to make her come – and go – as quickly as possible.
    The pious hypocrite did indeed come very quickly, making a noise like a bear that had just lost its honey. That over, she stood up and told Belinda to get out. But as our poor Englishwoman went to leave the wagon Anna slipped a hand up the back of her dress, fondled her bottom and hissed coldly and bewilderingly, ‘You will suffer for that, you dirty little Jezebel!’
    With emotions a mixture of fear and unrequited sexual arousal, Belinda was once again close to crying as she resumed her chores, this time having to endure the woman’s bullying commands to work harder until, at last, the rest of the group returned.
    In the middle of the afternoon most of the party had retired for a snooze, and Belinda was somewhat relieved when Thonnig and his wife approached as she was attempting to saw some logs single-handedly. They ordered her to stop work and to walk with them.
    They strolled into a nearby deciduous wood, the heat of the afternoon sun diffused by the roof of broad leaves, and they sauntered in silence until they found a small green clearing by a tiny but fast-flowing brook.
    â€˜We talk of a personal matter; that is why we leave the group now.’
    Belinda wondered about what Thonnig was talking.
    â€˜My poor wife has told me of your devilish attack on her while the two of you were alone.’
    Belinda was horrified at this unjust statement, but Thonnig continued.
    â€˜And I was so outraged that I told her something I had rashly decided to keep a secret for your sake; of how you sneaked up behind me and grabbed my…’ he pointed to his groin, ‘saying you would hold it for me in case it offended the rules of the Sabbath for me to do it myself.’
    Belinda was outraged, but too frightened to protest.
    â€˜So,’ spoke Anna, ‘we decide to teach you manners and to teach you that the lusts of the flesh are not always so nice.’
    And without further explanation Thonnig pulled out his wicked looking sheath knife. Belinda almost died of fright, but the knife was not for her. Instead he went to a branch and cut off a knobbly stick, long thick and whippy. She then watched with astonishment as the husband and wife stripped naked until they wore only their stern expressions. Anna’s breasts were as impressive as her husband’s long cock, and Belinda could not help thinking that her vagina was somehow unusually attractive as its lips peeped through the covering of blonde pubic hair. Both bodies were strong and slender, and Belinda felt a stirring in her depths as she looked at them.
    Her poetic thoughts were shattered when the couple suddenly grabbed her and pulled her long dress up over her head and off. She still had no underclothes to her name, and stood facing them in only her boots. Thonnig spun her around and pushed her against the rough bark of a tree while his wife went to the other side. Once there she reached around, took hold of Belinda’s wrists and held her bare body tight to the trunk.
    Belinda knew what was coming – and it did. Thonnig’s knobbly cane swished spitefully and stung the top of her right thigh. There was a pause, and then she heard the swish again just in time to brace herself as the next stripe was laid on her left thigh. Anna pulled her tighter against the rough tree and Belinda’s yoni rubbed harshly against the coarse bark. Her nipples were in almost as much agony as her thighs as they rubbed against the roughness of the tree.
    There was a

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