Bending Steele
his way past the ice in her
heart, but she didn’t know what to do now. Walking away… Eyes
burning, she felt a tear slide down her cheek. A moist kiss against
her skin. Walking away might not be an option anymore, if it ever
had been.
    Hexe swiped a finger under her eye, his gaze
suddenly soft. “Don’t cry. Damn woman, I never meant to make you
    She snorted. “It was just one. Don’t get
    He laughed, a rusty, deep-throated sound that
she wanted to hear again and again.
    “Why’d you pick me? Every other woman in the
tribe would have been happy to have you. You wouldn’t have even had
to fight.”
    Something inside him seemed to draw back.
Hesitate. Steele wanted to toss his words back at him, when Hexe
turned and looked at her. “I wanted to fight. You were who I
wanted. No one else.”
    “Why? You didn’t know me.” But he had and
they both knew it.
    “The standoffish woman with ice around her
heart? I wanted a partner, Steele. Someone who’d stand at my side
as an equal, in every way. You were the only one that ever had that
chance.” His lips found hers in a quick, delicate kiss. “The only
question that ever existed for me…is if you’d ever care back.”
    In answer, Steele reached up and fit her lips
against his. Tentative at first, but when his tongue swept at the
seam between her lips, she opened and let him in.

    The hesitant, tentative way she kissed him
this time burned through him, igniting a wildfire under his skin.
He leaned into her, nibbling over her plump lower lip, loving the
sweet taste of her mouth. He slanted his lips over hers, exploring,
drawing little shivers through her body as she reached up to bury
her hands in his hair.
    He lifted her, carrying her towards the
bedroom. With one arm wrapped around her waist, he opened the door
and stumbled inside, dumping her onto the bed. Hexe slid down over
her, pressing her back into the soft folds of his bed. When her
legs parted, his hips slipped between them, drawn instantly to the
heat of her core. He pressed against her, rocking as he tasted her
mouth again.
    Everything about Steele was a heady mix of
light and hard. Dangerous and loving. She nipped, then soothed away
the touch of her teeth with tongue and kisses. Her nails bit into
his shoulders only to bury into his hair. Her legs wrapped around
his hips and suddenly he wanted more, needed it. He couldn’t
remember the last time he’d wanted someone this bad.
    He ground against her, a ragged groan tearing
out of his lips as his hands skimmed along the edge of her shirt
and then slipped under. She was softer than he’d imagined, smooth
until his right hand bumped the old ripple of a scar. He traced it
and felt Steele gasp underneath him, her eyes going wide as he
pulled her shirt up, revealing all that pale skin to his eyes.
    The scar was a long, thin white line against
the cream of her skin and he leaned down to taste it, lapping over
the edges, and her thighs squeezed around his hips, begging. This
time when his lips found hers, the kiss was fierce, feral. Her
hands stroked at his shirt, catching in the fabric as she tried to
tug it up and off. Hexe broke away and in one quick movement the
shirt was gone.
    Steele made a low sound of appreciation in
her throat, her eyes intense as she looked at him, her pupils
dilated. Blood pulsing in his cock, Hexe slid his hand into her
hair, down the length of her braid and tugged it loose. He watched
as the black locks spilled out over the bed. Lifting her, he laid
them out around her head. Her pink lips were swollen from his
kisses and she quaked with desire.
    He’d never seen a sexier sight in his
    Fucking beautiful.
    And he wanted inside her, driving deep and
hard, with Steele locked around him, thrusting to meet him with
every rolling surge of their bodies. Steele reached up, wrapped her
hands in his hair and dragged him back down to her again, plunging
her tongue inside his mouth. Hexe loved the

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