God Takes Care of Me (First Steps Devotions)

God Takes Care of Me (First Steps Devotions) by Paul J. Loth

Book: God Takes Care of Me (First Steps Devotions) by Paul J. Loth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paul J. Loth

Paul J. Loth
Illustrated by
Daniel J. Hochstatter
    Copyright © 1992, 2012 by
Educational Publishing Concepts
    All rights
reserved. Written permission must be secured from the publisher to use or
reproduce any part of this book, except for brief quotations in critical
reviews or articles.
Table of Contents
    An Open
Letter to Parents
    God Gave
Adam a Beautiful Home
    God Gave
Adam a Wife
Protected Cain Even Though He Disobeyed
    God Kept
Noah Safe
    God Saved
Lot from His Enemies
    God Gave
Abram a Large Family
    God Gave
Isaac a Wife
Blessed Jacob
    God Kept
Jacob Safe from His Brother
Saved Joseph from His Brothers
    God Took
Care of Joseph in Egypt
    God Made
Joseph the Leader in Egypt
Watched Over Moses as a Baby
    God Gave
Moses a Nice Home
Protected Moses from His Enemies
    God Freed
the Israelites from Egypt
    God Saved
the Israelites from the Red Sea
    God Led the
Israelites Through the Wilderness
    God Gave
the Israelites Food
Showed Moses the Promised Land
    God Hid the
Two Spies from Danger
Protected Rahab
    God Did the
Impossible for the Israelites
Stopped the Clock for the Israelites
    God Gave
Gideon a Sign
    God Gave
the Israelites Victory
    God Gave
Ruth a Family
    God Gave
Hannah What She Wanted
    God Gave
Samuel a Good Teacher
Chose David
Saved David from the Giant
Saved David from King Saul
Helped Solomon to Be a Good King
    God Sent
the Ravens to Feed Elijah
Saved the Widow’s Children
    God Kept
the Israelites Safe While They Built the Walls
Kept Jeremiah Safe
Protected Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
    God Shut
the Mouths of the Lions
    God Sent a
Big Fish to Save Jonah
Gave Elizabeth a Son
    God Made
Mary Special
    God Gave
the Shepherds the Message First
Forgave and Healed the Paralyzed Man
    Jesus Brought Jarius’s Daughter Back to
Healed the Man with a Crippled Hand
Healed the Army Officer’s Servant from a Distance
Stopped the Funeral of the Widow’s Son
    Jesus Encouraged John’s Disciples
Healed the Man Who Could Not Speak or See
Saved the Disciples
Responded to the Touch of the Sick Woman
Helped Two Blind Men to See
Fed 5,000 Men
    Jesus Let
the Disciples Help Him
Saved Peter
Healed the Gentile Woman’s Daughter
Shared with Peter, James, and John
Raised Lazarus from the Dead
Healed Ten Men with Leprosy
Found Zacchaeus
    Jesus Praised Mary’s Actions
Cried Over Jerusalem
Served the Disciples
Prayed for the Disciples
Saved the World
Rose Again
Forgave Peter
Promised to Return for the Believers
Released Peter and the Apostles
Helped Christians Spread the Gospel Despite Enemies
Converted Saul
Encouraged Paul
    God Saved
Helped Paul in Rome
An Open Letter to Parents
    It is no secret that the lessons learned in the first five
years of life are among the most significant lessons your children will ever learn.
    As a parent, I have thought about that often. I want my
children to love God, to understand His Word, and to follow Him. I think every
Christian parent feels the same way. That is why Christian parents want to
encourage their children to begin private devotions at a young age.
    God Takes Care of Me helps your children understand God’s love. God took care of many people
throughout the pages of Scripture. As these individual stories are told,
children are encouraged to think about how God takes care of them, too. Each
devotional time is divided into four sections:
The Thinking Step
    Discussion questions help your
children relate to the experiences of biblical characters. By thinking about
related experiences in their own lives, your children will have a good
opportunity to understand how they felt.
The Listening Step
    God’s Word is truth. As children
hear God’s Word, they are led into the truth and can grow in the knowledge of
God. During this

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