God Takes Care of Me (First Steps Devotions)

God Takes Care of Me (First Steps Devotions) by Paul J. Loth Page B

Book: God Takes Care of Me (First Steps Devotions) by Paul J. Loth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paul J. Loth
The LORD protects his people, and they can come to him in times of trouble.
Psalm 37:39
God Kept Noah Safe
Genesis 6:1—8:1

The Thinking Step
    When was the last time you heard about something really bad
happening to someone? What happened?
The Listening Step
    God was not happy. Many people did not obey God. They did
not love God. They made God very sad. “I’m sorry I ever made them,” God said.
“I’ll destroy every living creature on earth!”
    But Noah loved God. He tried to please God. God wanted Noah
to be safe. He told Noah to build an ark, a big boat. Noah and his family would
live in the ark. The ark would keen them safe.
    Soon it started to rain water fell from the sky all day and
all night. Water was everywhere. But God kept Noah safe. Noah loved God. God
watched over Noah and his family.
The Talking Step
    Name a time God kept you safe.
    Did you thank Him?
The Praying Step
    Dear God, I know You keep me safe many times, and I do not
even know it. Thank You for watching over me. Remind me that You watch over me.
You were in serious trouble, but you prayed to the LORD, and he rescued
Psalm 107:28
God Saved Lot from His Enemies
Genesis 14:1-17

The Thinking Step
    Do you know people who are mean to you?
    What do they do that is mean?
    What can you do about it?
The Listening Step
    Do you have an uncle? Abram was Lot’s uncle. Lot and his
family lived in Sodom. Abram was nice to Lot. He tried to help him.
    One day some men attacked Sodom. Many people who lived in
Sodom ran for their lives. Others were taken prisoner. The men made Lot and his
family prisoners. They even took everything away from Lot.
    One of the people who escaped came to find Abram, Lot’s
uncle. He told Abram what had happened. Abram got all his men together. Then he
went to rescue his nephew, Lot.
    God saved Lot. He sent Abram to rescue Lot. Sometimes God
sends people to save us, too.
The Talking Step
    Name a time God saved you from people who acted mean.
    Did God use other people to help you?
    Did you thank them? Did you thank God?
The Praying Step
    Dear God, thank You for protecting me. Thank You for letting
other people help me. Help me always to remember to thank You.
You are my mighty rock, my fortress, my protector, the rock where I am
safe, my shield, my powerful weapon, and my place of shelter.
Psalm 18:2
God Gave Abram a Large Family
Genesis 15:1–16

The Thinking Step
    Does your family get together at holidays?
    Do some relatives live somewhere else?
The Listening Step
    Abram loved God. He tried to obey God. God loved Abram, too.
One night God spoke to Abram. He told him to go outside.
    “Look at the sky and see if you can count the stars,” God
said. Abram looked up. There were so many stars he could not count them all.
    “That’s how many descendants you will have,” God said.
    Abram did not understand. God had not yet given him any
children. But he believed God. Soon Abram and his wife had a son. His name was
Isaac. Many more children and grandchildren were born, too. God changed Abram’s
name to Abraham, which means “father of many.” God keeps His promises. We can
always trust God.
The Talking Step
    What did Abram do when God promised him a large family?
    What should we do when God gives us a promise?
    Name another promise God has given in the Bible. Has He kept
The Praying Step
    Dear God, thank You for Your promises. Thank You for always
keeping Your promises. Help me to trust You more.
Always let [God] lead you, and he will clear the road for you to follow.
Proverbs 3:6
God Gave Isaac a Wife
Genesis 24:1–67

The Thinking Step
    Who are your best friends? What do you like to do most with
    Do you think God wants you to have nice friends?
The Listening Step
    It was time for Isaac, Abraham’s son, to get married.
Abraham wanted Isaac to marry someone from Abraham’s homeland. Abraham sent his
servant back to the homeland.
    As he stood by a well, Abraham’s servant prayed to God,
“Please let me find

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