
Betrayal by Margaret Bingley Page A

Book: Betrayal by Margaret Bingley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Margaret Bingley
Toby before backing off, turning away from her to look at the visitor.
    'Now fetch her robe from the bedroom.' 'Why the hell… ?'
    'She needs medical attention. Even private hospitals might ask questions if we take her in looking like that.'
    Lisa, unable to stop shaking and whimpering, realised that her blouse was torn to shreds and blood was dripping from the cut beneath her eye and landing on her cream skirt. Taking the robe from Toby's outstretched hands she tried to put it on, but the pain from her right arm made her scream aloud.
    'Help her,' instructed Bishop.
    'No! Don't let him near me, I'll do it. I just… '
    'Certainly not. Move aside, Walker, and sit down quietly in the corner.' Toby obeyed, all aggression suddenly gone, and now Bishop moved forward, glancing down at her. 'Didn't your mother tell you that rough games get out of hand? Too much excitement always ends in tears, you know.'
    'It wasn't a game! He… '
    'Lost your sense of humour? I didn't honestly think it was a game. Neither of you looks as though you've had any fun at all! Come on, let's just drape it round that shoulder.'
    She cringed inwardly at his touch, not because he hurt her—he was amazingly careful and caused no pain at all—but because he made her skin crawl. He'd saved her life, and hopefully the baby's too, yet she couldn't feel grateful. He was enjoying himself far too much for her to feel anything but increased dislike.
    'Not even a thank you?' he queried, plucking a cordless phone out of his coat pocket. 'I might be quite hurt by that, if it weren't for the fact that you're obviously in a state of shock.'
    'Why you?' she asked in confusion. 'Why is it always you?' 'Always? We scarcely know each other! Steve, bring the car round and take her to the hospital. They're expecting her. Ask for Dr Cooper and get him to have a gynaecologist come over too. There's a chance she might be losing our friend Toby's claim to immortality!' 'Who's Steve?' murmured Lisa, terrified it might be another friend of Toby's.
    'A nice lad. He'll be very kind to you. He'll probably hold your hand if you ask him. I'd come myself but I want to talk to lover boy here. Walker, let Steve in when he arrives.'
    The dull ache in Lisa's stomach was beginning to turn into a sharper, more ominous pain and she tried to wrap her arms round her abdomen until the injury brought her up short and she cried out again.
    'Shoulder?' asked Bishop casually. 'Don't worry, they'll soon fix that up.'
    'No, it's… '
    'The baby? Probably for the best, don't you think? Shouldn't imagine you want a permanent reminder of this marriage. I'm sure there'll be other children, unless you're irreparably damaged of course!' And he gave her a smile that was more frightening than any of Toby's blows.
    'You bastard!' she cried. 'You're enjoying all this, aren't you?' 'Not at all, but I admit it's diverting. Ah, here comes the cavalry!' Steve was tall, well built and extremely kind. He carried her out of the flat, laid her carefully on the back seat of the car, then got in beside her, letting her head rest on his knees while another man, silent and totally lacking in curiosity, drove them through the streets of Battersea and into London.
    Now and again, Lisa couldn't help crying out. Her arm was on fire with pain and her stomach felt as though there were hot pokers sticking into it. Steve stroked her forehead as he murmured encouragement, and she would be forever grateful to him for helping her keep her self-control.
    Once at the hospital things happened with lightning speed. A young, fresh-faced doctor, after one look at her, took out a needle. She tried to push him away, terrified of losing consciousness and probably the baby as well, but he gently held her down on the trolley and the last thing she heard was his voice telling her that she was going to be all right. She didn't believe him.

Chapter Six
    For a few days it seemed that Lisa was right and the doctor wrong. But then, as she continued

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