
Betrayal by Margaret Bingley Page B

Book: Betrayal by Margaret Bingley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Margaret Bingley
resting in the luxurious, deeply-carpeted private room with its pale lilac walls and snow-white curtains and bedspread, the bleeding stopped and finally the gynaecologist professed himself satisfied that the baby was safe and well.
    'How can you be sure it isn't hurt?' asked Lisa anxiously. 'What if it's got brain damage?'
    'Babies are well protected,' he assured her. 'Besides, we've done a scan. The baby's fine and so are you.'
    'When can I go home?' she asked, and then wondered where home was.
    'I'm afraid there's no question of you going anywhere at all until after the baby's born. You've been through a traumatic experience and need rest and quiet. As I understand it, you're homeless at the moment. Where could you possibly go that would offer you more peace than here?' He smiled his very expensive smile.
    'Well, it's true that I… '
    'Precisely! Now I must be on my way. I'll look in tomorrow if not before. Dr Cooper tells me the arm's coming along nicely too.'
    'Mr Heywood, who's paying for me to stay here?'
    'I understood it was a family friend. I'm afraid I don't… ' He was obviously embarrassed.
    'I'll speak to one of the nurses,' she said quickly.
    'Just relax, Mrs Walker. Money is fortunately not one of your problems at the moment, but tranquility is. Stop worrying and rest. The baby needs all the rest you can give it for these final few weeks.' Of course he was right, but since she never had a visitor and up to now hadn't been allowed a television in the room in case she became overstimulated, her mind had nothing better to do than worry away at the problem.
    It wouldn't be Toby. He didn't have that kind of money. His own private treatment was paid for by the television company; and it certainly wasn't Stephanie, who hadn't so much as sent her a get well card. Who else was there? she wondered.
    It bothered her, and at night she stayed awake worrying despite the mild sleeping pill they allowed her. After three sleepless nights, Dr Cooper came to see her. 'Sleeping badly I understand, Mrs Walker. Why's that? Pain from the arm?'
    'Worrying about the baby?' 'No, I… '
    'Afraid we might let your husband in to see you? We won't, you know, not under any circumstances, although he does ring up each morning.’
    'Big deal! No, I… '
    'How about a psychiatrist to teach you to relax and forget all the trauma of the past months. Would you like that?'
    'Not particularly. How much does a psychiatrist cost?' 'Cost?' He looked as horrified as if she'd sworn at him.
    'Yes. I don't understand how I can afford to stay here. That's what's keeping me awake at nights. I don't need a psychiatrist, he'll only add to the worry! Why won't anyone tell me who's paying for all this? '
    'You should have asked me before. It's your godfather.' 'My what?' She couldn't believe her ears.
    'Godfather. I must say you're a lucky girl to have… However, he's naturally anxious that you get the best treatment and… '
    'I don't have a godfather.' 'Everyone has a godfather!'
    'Not if they haven't been christened.' 'You weren't christened?'
    'Yes, of course I was. I was simply pointing out that not everyone does have a godfather.'
    He gave a polite laugh. 'I see. Well, that's your worry solved. I'll prescribe a little sedative for tonight I think.'
    'Look, my godfather died in a road accident when I was twelve.' 'Just to make sure you sleep properly,' he continued firmly, his face flushed.
    'Who the hell is paying for all this?' shouted Lisa angrily, and before she knew what was happening, one of the nurses was holding her gently down and the doctor was injecting her. She was still asking the same question when she fell asleep.
    It was three hours before she awoke, her mouth feeling thick and dry. She tried to sit up to reach her water jug but her arm stabbed a reminder of its injury and she gave an exclamation of pain. It was only then that the man waiting in the corner approached the bed. 'Did you want something?' he asked gently, his voice deep

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