Capital Bride

Capital Bride by Cynthia Woolf

Book: Capital Bride by Cynthia Woolf Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Woolf
and cut out more sugar cookies to bake.
    “You’ve been busy.”
    She turned at the sound of his voice. “Well, hello there. You’ve been in your office all afternoon. I was going to bring you some coffee and cookies. Do you want some?”
    “You bet. But I’ll get them.” He poured a cup of coffee and sat at the end of the table with the cooled cookies. “How are you feeling? You’re not wearing yourself out are you?”
    “I’m fine. I love to bake. It relaxes me and everyone enjoys my treats so much. It’s very gratifying. I used to think of opening a bakery. But that was just a dream. Now I can make people happy this way.”
    “Well, never let it be said that I don’t let a woman do what she loves to do. Especially when I reap the benefits.” He grabbed another cookie and left to go to the barn. Just as he stepped out the kitchen door he noticed a buggy racing up the driveway. He walked out to the front of the house to greet the guest.
    The buggy rocked to a stop right in front of John.
    “Hello, stranger, going a little fast there. I’ve got children and would appreciate if you wouldn’t run them down in your hurry.”
    The man got out of the still rocking conveyance.
    “I’m looking for Sarah Johnson. I was told I could find her here.”
    “Sarah Atwood lives here.”
    “That’s right. She is married now isn’t she? Well, that’s of little consequence to me. Would you get her?”  
    “Who are you and why should I get my wife?”
    “I’m William Grayson, her cousin.”
    John looked the man over. Sarah hadn’t said much about her previous life. Maybe he was what she was running from, enough to answer an advertisement for a mail order bride.
    “You stay here. I’ll see if she wants to see you.”
    John found Sarah still in the kitchen baking cookies.  
    “Sarah. There’s someone here to see you. He says he’s your cousin, William Grayson.”
    “William? What in the world would he be doing here. I can’t imagine him in the west. He’s too…well, he’s just too citified to come here.”
    She wiped her hands on a towel and went with John to the front. When she stepped onto the porch and saw him she was genuinely surprised.
    “William? What are you doing here?” she said as she walked down the steps to greet him.
    “I came to get you and bring you home.” He beat his hat on his pants. Dust flew everywhere.
    She stopped at the bottom of the porch stairs. “Have you lost your mind? I am home. This is my home now. Not New York and never with you.” Sarah stayed where she was with John next to her. She didn’t go anywhere near her cousin. She had been running from him.
    “Have you told him?” he sneered.
    “Told him?”
    “Told him about you. About MaryAnn.”
    John looked at Sarah. All the blood had drained from her face. She turned to him, “I….”
    “So you haven’t told him that you were never married. That MaryAnn is a bastard.”
    “William, how could you say that? You’re a cruel and evil man. I’m sorry I’m related to you.”
    “There’s no need to be upset. Of course, she told me. We don’t have secrets from each other. We’re married.”
    Anger pulsed through him. She should have told him before they married. It should have been his decision to wed her or not. Not that he would have turned her away. Once he’d seen her, he could never turn her away. But she didn’t know that. He guessed that was the point. She was afraid he’d turn her away. She’d never actually said she was married, but she answered to Missus and she wore a wedding ring. What was he supposed to think?  
    “Now, Mr. Grayson, I suggest that you take your leave before I have to shoot you for trespassing.” He touched the Colt on his hip.
    “One last chance Sarah, come home with me. Come back to where you belong.” He waved his hand taking in his surroundings. “Not this God forsaken place in the middle of nowhere.”
    “This is my home. I’m not leaving but you are. Get in that

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