Beyond Rubies (Daughters of Sin Book 4)
fabric and murmured, “Where did you get this? Not from a secondhand barrow for it is barely worn? Did you steal it? Or were you once a loyal retainer given it by your mistress before you were dismissed without a character? That’s what ’appened to me, you know. I wasn’t always an actress. In fact, I were quite ’appy in service until the master of the ’ouse took a liking to me, causing ’is missus to take a definite unliking to me and throwing me out on my ear. If there’s anyone who knows the fickle ways of men, it’s me. So now I’ve warned you about ’is Lordship, you go out and enjoy yerself. Just don’t come crying on my shoulder when ’e breaks your foolish, naïve heart.”
    Kitty didn’t respond. She bent down at the dressing table to secure her feathered headdress, pulled on her gloves, stood up to fasten her pelisse quickly down the front, and then hurried toward the door.
    She could hear Jennie’s light footsteps behind her, but ignored her parting words. “My, my, but ain’t you the lady of quality? ’Eads will turn as ’is Lordship squires you to London’s finest establishments, though I reckon ’e might take you to better places than ’e took me. I always wanted to dine at Madame Mirabeau , a most rarefied and elite establishment for dancing with a fine bit of supper served, but I never ’ad the rigout and I couldn’t get my voice quite right. You’ll do just fine.”
    Kitty refused to turn her head, but she could hear the sudden brightness in Jennie’s voice as she added, “But ’e’ll break your ’eart just the same.”
    K itty was able to dismiss this prediction the moment she beheld his Lordship’s beatific smile as he met her at the theater door.
    “I thought we would dine at Madame Mirabeau ,” he told her. “If anyone asks who you are I shall tell them you are a runaway foreign princess. That’ll keep them guessing.” It seemed he was as caught up in the excitement of the evening’s possibilities as she was. Beneath a gas lamp, she slanted a look up at him and was instantly reassured by his smoldering look and the tiny scar beneath his right eye. Yes, he was the man of her fantasies. She’d dreamed of him; she could almost persuade herself she’d known him from another lifetime, and she was sure he felt the same. They were as one. The future was thrilling. She imagined the gossip sheets gushing over the extraordinary Miss La Bijou who’d taken London by storm and then stolen the heart of Lord Nash, a viscount who was in the marital sights of every designing debutante and her mama.
    “Up here, my sweet.” Lord Nash stood back for her to step through a low doorway from which swept a narrow staircase. Kitty could hear a rumble of noise from the hidden chamber above and excitement fizzled through her, but at the same time she felt nervous.
    “ Where are you taking me?” she asked.
    “To Madame Mirabeau’s salon, and if you have not heard of her, let me tell you she has the only salon in London worth attending.” He paused and lowered his voice. “Only at Madame Mirabeau’s salon will you see a duchess take tea with an actress, which is why it amused me to bring you tonight. Madame Mirabeau is a great admirer of the arts and will no doubt already have heard of you.”
    “Do you really think so?”
    To her astonishment, he bent his head and gave her a quick kiss on the nose. “Who would not have heard of the astonishingly talented and completely delectable Miss La Bijou? Ah, here is our hostess herself, the Countess of Orne. Comtesse, might I have the pleasure of introducing to you fair Juliet. I told you it was my intention to pluck her from the theater and bring her here to meet you.”
    Kitty stared wide-eyed at the stately woman who was regarding her critically through a pair of bright blue eyes that seemed to have been chosen to match her gown of blue satin. She inclined her head and Kitty curtsied, suddenly afraid, for the comtesse did not seem to

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