Drawn to a Vampire

Drawn to a Vampire by Kathryn Drake

Book: Drawn to a Vampire by Kathryn Drake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Drake
I’d been so in control … taking charge … not caring what anyone thought.  But this guy.…  “I mean … to talk,” I quickly added.
    He chuckled, and I went even redder.  “Where would you like to go?”
    Umm … I looked around, through the crowd we had dancing around us I could just about see an empty bench near the edge.  I nodded that way, and he followed me.  I sat down first and he sat very close, so his knee was an inch from mine.  I was very conscious of it.
    He smiled at me, his blue eyes twinkling.  Again.  “What would you like to discuss?”
    “I’m looking for someone … someone else like … us.  Are there many of us here?”
    He shook his head.  “I think I know who you mean – a man – my age-ish, hair colour … stubbly …”
    I nodded.
    “He’s the only one of us I’ve seen.  Apart from you.”
    “Right.  Well – have you seen him here tonight?”
    “Nope.”  He grinned.  “Looks like you’re stuck with me.”
    “Ha ha,” I said, but I did give in and smile a little.  His knee brushed against mine and my leg tingled pleasantly.
    He grinned.  Then his smile fell away and he looked vulnerable.  “So … this guy … are you two, err, involved?”
    I shook my head, and I was amused, and a little excited, to see that he looked relieved.  I decided right then I was going to risk being entirely honest – that way I’d get a better idea what this guy was really like.  “We’re not … but we were.  I was lonely … living in the woods … feeding off animals.  I approached him at a campsite.  He was human.”
    This vamp watched me avidly as I spoke – when I said ‘feeding off animals’ his eyes widened.
    “I wanted company, and, well, you know how it is … don’t you?” I said, suddenly uncertain.
    He nodded, all seriousness now.
    “Well – we had a relationship, I suppose, although obviously he had no choice in the matter … but then I lost it, and fed off him … and then he nearly died, so I fed him my blood.…”
    “Did you change him?”  He looked aghast.
    “No!  He killed himself.”  I fell silent.
    “You could say that.  Then I tried to teach him to be like me … feed off animals.…  But he left while I was sleeping.  I guess … you probably know what he’s like….”
    “Yes, I’ve seen him in action.”  He didn’t look as though he approved.
    “Is that what you’re like?” I asked, and felt a lump in my throat as I said it.
    He shook his head.  “No way.  But I’m not … not as good as you.  I did kill.  The first few days … but since then I’ve learned I can stop.  Feed and not kill.  It didn’t even occur to me to try living off animal blood.”  He paused.  “What’s it like?”
    I shrugged.  “Fine.”  And then I smiled.  “It’s great actually.  It’s not as, umm, seductive.  Not at all seductive in fact.  But it is nourishing.  And it doesn’t make me feel like a shite person.  Vampire.”  I looked into his eyes, and he met my gaze, transfixed.  “Do you want to try it?” I asked.
    “What?  Now?”
    “Sure.  Adam’s not here, so why not?”
    “OK then.”  He stood, and gave me a vibrant smile.  It made my insides feel funny.
    I stood too, feeling uncertain.  We left the dark and noisy club, and went out into the just as dark, but far quieter, streets.  My uncertainty increased.  This guy was sexy.  And nice.  And wanted to be good. 
    Or did he?  What if he was just having a laugh?  I didn’t know my place with this guy.  I was sure intrigued though.  But what if … if he was just doing this to get in my pants….  Hmm … not that that would be such a bad thing, I figured, glancing at his face, his body….
    He caught me looking and I blushed.
    He smiled.  “So … why are you looking for this guy?”
    “Adam?”  He looked confused, so I elaborated – “The other vampire?”
    He nodded.
    “I’m not sure how you will react to this,”

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