Beyond the Mistletoe: A Christmas Romance (Beyond Love Book 7)

Beyond the Mistletoe: A Christmas Romance (Beyond Love Book 7) by Karice Bolton Page B

Book: Beyond the Mistletoe: A Christmas Romance (Beyond Love Book 7) by Karice Bolton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karice Bolton
more sense than I cared to think about.
    “Have a good morning, Mr. Gibbs.”
    Gabby held the door open and took a deep breath in, waving with her free hand as Mr. Gibbs trundled out of the bakery.
    “How are you doing this fine morning?” Gabby asked.
    Mr. Gibbs didn’t respond, rather he made his way into the parking lot, and I answered for him as Gabby shut the door.
    “Mr. Gibbs has found a lady friend,” I said.
    “Is that so? That’s a surprise. He always seemed so disinterested in dating after his wife’s death.”
    “Maybe he got too lonely. So what brought you in? I doubt it’s just to make sure the Christmas decorations are up.” I put both hands on my hips, knowing full well what was coming my way.
     “I wouldn’t have had to come all the way here had you answered my questions over text. This phone thingy is a really neat little gadget,” she said with a sarcastic undertone.
    “I honestly don’t have an answer for any of the texts you sent.”
    “You were interested in Derek, right?” she prompted, taking a seat at one of the tables.
    “Well, that’s the only answer you needed. We could all see the sparks flying between you two the entire weekend.” She furrowed her brows in confusion.
    “It was fun to flirt a little,” I offered.
    “What we witnessed wasn’t just flirting, Emily.”
    “And maybe that’s the problem. It wouldn’t just be flirting, and he’s moving to Montana.” I dipped a teabag in a cup of hot water and wandered over to where Gabby was sitting. I glanced around the bakery, admiring my handiwork. I’d even managed to screw together the Christmas tree and spread fake snow around the base. “It’s so festive in here.”
    “Don’t change the subject.”
    “I’m not. There’s just nothing else to say. I don’t want to get wrapped up or invest in the idea of something that isn’t realistic. And I realized after last weekend, that no matter how much I think I could have a one-night stand, I can’t. It’s just not in me, even if it’s my only shot at a celebrity,” I teased, trying to lighten my delivery.
    Gabby let out a deep sigh and nodded. “Well, you certainly left an impression on him.”
    “How so?”
    “He’s texted me nonstop asking if there’s going to be a seating chart for the reception and if there’s a chance his chair might be close to yours.”
    “That only sounds like it would take one text.”
    “And then he texted me to see if you’d mentioned him at all to me.”
    My cheeks reddened. I hadn’t texted a word to anyone about Derek.
    “And what did you say?”
    “I hadn’t heard anything…but not to take it personally.”
    I groaned.
    “And he texted back about his ego having had it since meeting you.”
    I chuckled.
    “And finally he asked for your address.”
    “You didn’t give it to him.”
    “Would it matter?” she asked. “Maybe he wants to send you a Christmas card when he gets to Montana.”
    The door jingled, and I stood up as another one of our regulars, Chloe, hurried inside. The breeze had picked up, and it almost felt like snow as she quickly guided her toddler into the warmth of the bakery.
    “I think a blizzard is on the way,” Chloe announced as her toddler jumped up and down happily.
    “If only we can get it to wait until after Saturday,” Gabby said, grinning.
    “That’s right. You’re about to walk down the aisle,” Chloe said, blowing into her bare hands to warm them. “What on earth are you doing here? Emily can take care of the place.”
    “Thank you,” I said, standing behind the counter.
    “I’m trying to convince her to give this particular guy a shot,” Gabby said. “But she seems to want nothing to do with him.”
    “Eggnog latte?” I asked Chloe. She often switched between eggnog and sugar cookie lattes during the holidays.
    “Sounds perfect. Now spill,” she commanded, as she watched her little girl trundle over to the toy area. “I don’t get much adult time and

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