Watched by Warlocks

Watched by Warlocks by Hannah Heat

Book: Watched by Warlocks by Hannah Heat Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hannah Heat
Tags: Erótica
drills instilled in Elsa's bones took over. She could not think of anything as she ran to her home, to hide under her bed. But in the process, she passed Lili's house, and caught an image of Theo standing on her porch, his arms crossed over a large canvas that was his chest, his darkened figure in the night causing doubts to flower in the dense soil of her mind. Elsa pushed past a sea of people screaming and hollering, and she saw whole building in her town burning with a raging fire. In the distance, near the forest, she heard a creature squeal with a demonic madness, not out of pain, but anger, pure anger.
    And Elsa herself felt the same anger, as she pushed the key into the lock on her door, rushing into the house. She could see the reflection of the fire in her window, as people bounded across her field of view left and right. Elsa knew she had to hide from whatever beast came from the forest to destroy her town, so she did, climbing under a small cupboard in the bedroom, taking all the necessary precautions. But the image of Theo standing on the Lili's porch burned in her mind, and followed her into her dreams that night, her pillow damp with the tears of betrayal.

    The stench of burned wood, rather than burned flesh, permeated the entire town when Elsa woke up the next day. She crawled out from underneath the cupboard in her bedroom, thankful for being alive, but wished for some sort of death after what she saw last night. She could not figure out what Theo wanted, but looking around the various burned houses and cabins, she saw at last just what that was: to destroy all that she had ever known. The feelings Elsa had for him were all but gone, or so she told herself, and she joined the picketing angry mob that had formed since last night outside his house.
    “We want answers!” a man yelled.
    “My house is gone. What fire-breathing monster have you sent our way! Tell us!” another shouted. Elsa prodded someone next to her for answers.
    “Do you know who sent the monster?” she asked the woman standing next to her.
    “It was Theo, of course! He wanted to kill us all along.”
    Elsa found it hard to believe, given the undeniably kind impression he made on Elsa when they first met. She was angry and wanted to protect herself for what he did to her, but she didn't want to encourage the people around her that Theo meant them harm. She just couldn't bring herself to do participate in the witch hunt. She bowed out of the crowd when they picked up stones to throw at his window, an image that resonated with Elsa's own childhood troubles with Freja Stein.

    That night, Elsa found herself feeling lost and alone, while she worked in silence through her duties at the tavern. The night was dead, as all the villagers were too busy picketing Theo's house. Several people, including Priscilla and the twin sister, came through the tavern during intermittent hours in the night, to give Elsa new information about Theo, whom they told Elsa had all but disappeared. The townspeople wondered if Theo had escaped back into the forest, and the idea disturbed Elsa, because that meant she might never see him again. Although she did wonder what Theo's motivations were for attempting to assimilate himself into the town permanently, there was nothing in her gut that told her Theo wanted to harm the townspeople. By the end of the night, when her feet were throbbing and toes were sore, her exhaustion and anger from the night before finally took its toll. For some reason, the feeling that she was being watched overcame her again. When she had completed her duties, she requested early leave from her manager Mitch, given the lack of customers that night. He agreed, and Elsa made her way out the back entrance to the tavern, in order to avoid the rioting crowd in the front. The night was cold and biting to her naked ankles when she stepped out onto the alleyway. She rubbed

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