Amish Christmas Joy

Amish Christmas Joy by Patricia Davids

Book: Amish Christmas Joy by Patricia Davids Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia Davids
    “He isn’t under the ban. We have no cause to shun him.”
    “How can you say that?”
    Leah gave a tiny shake of her head and glanced toward Joy. This wasn’t a conversation the child should hear. Fortunately, Anna Imhoff came up to greet Joy. “Anna, why don’t you take Joy and introduce her to some of the other children?”
    As they walked away, Leah turned to her sister. “It happened a long time ago. Nothing can change it. Maybe it’s time to forgive Caleb.”
    “I have forgiven him, but I’d rather you didn’t talk to him.”
    “He wishes to enroll his daughter in our school.”
    “Is he staying in Hope Springs?” Panic flooded Rhonda’s face.
    “No. He knows the school board must agree to allow Joy to attend Walnut Valley. I told him what records we would need. I owe Caleb the same attention I owe any parent. Nothing more.”
    “I wish he would leave and be done with it. Is he eager to rid himself of his daughter?”
    “I don’t think he is eager to leave her.” She sensed a conflict in him. Was it because he didn’t want to leave his child or because he didn’t want to leave her with his Amish family?
    Rhonda huffed. “I see. You’ve taken one of your broken-winged fancies to him, haven’t you?”
    “I haven’t taken a fancy to him. I have taken a fancy to his daughter. Joy can be a trial, but she has a big heart.”
    “She’ll be better off without him.”
    “I think they belong together.” Joy needed her father in her life. And maybe her father needed her more than he knew.
    Maggie came out of the house. She stopped short and looked around with a worried frown. “Leah, did Caleb leave?”
    “ Nee. He will be back in a few minutes.”
    “Where is Joy?”
    Leah pointed toward the barn. “She is playing with Anna and meeting the other children.”
    Maggie relaxed. “That’s fine. I want her to make friends.”
    “Speaking of friends, that reminds me. Did Rhonda tell you I’m having a cookie-baking frolic at my house on Wednesday evening?”
    “I forgot to mention it,” Rhonda said quickly. She stared at her feet. “So much has happened.”
    Leah and Maggie shared a sympathetic glance. They knew Caleb’s return had been hard on Rhonda. Leah tried to lighten the mood. “You’re welcome to come, Maggie, and bring Joy, too. I’m sure she would enjoy that.”
    “I’m not sure, but thank you for the invitation. I’d better get back inside and help Nettie clear plates so the next group can eat. It was good of you to let Bishop Zook know the Chupp family is struggling. The community will make sure they have all they need until William is back on his feet.”
    “I noticed some bare cupboards when I visited them on a school matter. I did nothing special.”
    Maggie hesitated, glancing between Rhonda and Leah. “I must thank you, too, for being kind to Caleb and to Joy. You’ve made a good impression on the child.”
    “She is sweet.”
    “She truly is.” Maggie went back inside.
    Leah placed a hand on her sister’s shoulder. “It’s going to be okay.”
    “I don’t see how. Maggie wants Caleb to stay. I can’t imagine facing him at every family gathering, every church or school function.”
    When Caleb came back into sight, Rhonda pressed her hand to her scarred cheek and hurried inside the house. Leah waited until he approached. He looked after her sister. “I’m sorry my being here upsets Rhonda.”
    “Do you blame her?”
    “That is a loaded question I choose not to answer. Here are Joy’s records.” He handed over a manila envelope. “ Danki. I must get back to the house.”
    He frowned slightly, as if he were aware of her discomfort and knew he was the reason for it. He shoved his hands deep in his coat pockets. “Will you be at the school-board meeting?”
    “I’ll be there.”
    “Until Thursday, then.”
    She watched him walk back down the lane, with his shoulders hunched against the cold and against the stares that followed him. He looked so

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