Neptune's Ring
Simone’s shaking body and she walked to the
loveseat just as her knees began to buckle. She collapsed onto the
seat, gasping for air as the blood rushed back into her quivering
legs. She reached for a glass and took a long drink of the water,
cooling her overheated body as her eyes met Simone’s. The hunger
still burned in them as she glared back at Del.
    “Come here,” Del said.
    Del stood and pushed the food tray onto a
nearby chair. Simone stood in front of her and Del guided her upper
body to lie across the table.
    “Spread your legs wide,” Del growled as she
took the tip of the dildo and entered Del. “You want more, I will
give you more,” she said as she thrust her hips into the cheeks of
Simone’s ass.
    Del grabbed the sides of the table, using it
for leverage as her body slapped into Simone’s ass with each
forceful thrust of her body. Simone’s howls of pleasure rang in
Del’s ears as until she climaxed and passed out from the intense
    Del fell backward and caught the edge of the
loveseat with her hand to steady her body. She unfastened the dildo
allowing it to fall to her feet as she collapsed onto the loveseat.
Del closed her eyes and used her mind to slow the pounding of her
heart as her body trembled in exhaustion. She sensed rather than
heard movement and when she opened her eyes, Simone was on her
knees in front of her. Simone draped Del’s right leg over the arm
of the furniture and covered Del’s wetness with her mouth as her
hot tongue plunged in and out of her body. Simone’s face was coated
with Del’s wetness as she buried her face in Del’s body. Her palm
rubbed roughly across Del’s clit and Del’s consciousness faded away
as her body erupted with pleasure.
    When she awoke, Simone had collapsed with her
head in Del’s lap. Del mustered enough strength to stand and lead
Simone onto the bed as they fell into an exhausted sleep.

    Levi got up with Vanessa and drank coffee
with her while Vanessa dressed for work. Vanessa was so incredibly
handsome in her crisply creased white uniform that Levi’s heart
swelled with pride.
    “Good grief, you look good enough to eat,”
Levi said, as she watched Vanessa fasten her belt.
    “You keep talking like that and this cruise
will be delayed,” Vanessa said, as she leaned down to kiss
    “Go back to sleep and call for room service
when you are ready for breakfast,” Vanessa said. “We should be out
of the port and safely underway by one if you would like to join
Killian and I for lunch in the control room.”
    “I will be there,” Levi answered, as she
watched Vanessa walk to the door. “I love you.”
    “I love you too, Levi,” Vanessa said and
walked out the door.
    Levi slumped back down in the bed and covered
her face with Vanessa’s pillow. She was so completely in love it
almost scared her. She relaxed in the comfortable bed, but sleep
eluded Levi. She climbed out of the bed an hour later and walked
naked through Vanessa’s cabin. She sat at her desk and looked at
the pictures of Vanessa, Killian and various other crew members
which framed her heavy oak desk. Vanessa looked so happy in the
pictures and Levi was glad she saw the same sparkle in her eyes
whenever Vanessa looked at her.
    Levi slipped on Vanessa’s robe and walked to
the balcony with a cup of coffee. She leaned against the edge of
the balcony and looked down at the mass of women who were boarding
the ship. The sun burned brightly as she watched the noisy crowd
disappear into the ship.
    Levi returned inside the cabin and walked to
the bathroom and turned on the shower. She hung the robe on the
wall and stepped into the warm shower. The water caressed her skin
as she stood motionless under the flow of the water. She stepped
back and washed her hair before reaching for a sponge and a bottle
of liquid soap. Levi bathed her body with the silky soap and she
had to giggle as her nipples grew hard under her touch. Vanessa had
her body so alive, the

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