Neptune's Ring
first winner. Levi doubled her bet and continued to play,
storing her winnings as credits. When she pulled the handle on the
last of her twenty dollar investment, Levi had four hundred
credits. When the wheel fell on a losing line, Levi pushed the cash
out button and listened as the coins made a clanging sound as they
struck the steel bin. Levi scooped the coins into a plastic cup and
walked to the cashier’s office. With a fresh new hundred dollar
bill tucked safely in her pocket, Levi left the casino to continue
her tour.
    She climbed up to the top deck and found the
pool area already crowded with women. Cory was behind the bar,
pouring drinks as fast as she could when Levi took a stool at the
    “Hiya, Levi,” Cory said, as she looked up to
see her sitting at the bar.
    “Hey Cory, they are starting off hot and
heavy aren’t they?” Levi said.
    “The first day is always a crush as the
ladies let their hair down and new connections are made or romances
rekindled,” Cory said. “What can I get you to drink?”
    “How about a cherry coke when you have a
    A very attractive brunette was sitting next
to Levi and heard her order. “I would gladly buy you something a
little stronger,” she said with a charming smile.
    “Thanks, but I think I will stick to being a
lightweight for a while,” Levi said.
    “Levi, please meet Cass,” Cory said from
behind the bar. “Cass is one of our frequent guests,” she
    “Very nice to meet you, Cass,” Levi said.
    “Levi is the hot new bartender at the resort
I am sure you have heard about,” Cory said, making Levi blush.
    “So you are the creator of Tropical E and now
the Slow Grind,” Cass stated.
    “I guess you have heard,” Cory said with a
    “Yes, those are my creations,” Levi proudly
    “I haven’t had a Tropical E yet, but the Slow
Grind is very tasty,” Cass said, as she raised her glass in salute
to Levi.
    “Thanks, it is a bit more potent than the
Tropical E,” Levi said, as she lifted her glass to meet Cass’s.
    “A pleasure to meet you,” Cass said, “and the
offer of a drink still stands.”
    “Thanks, I may take you up on that offer
later,” Levi said.
    Kiki, the activities coordinator picked up a
microphone and made a shout out to the crowd.
    “Are we having fun yet, ladies?”
    “Hell yeah,” came the roar from the
    “I can’t hear you, are we having fun yet
ladies?” she asked again.
    “Hell yeah,” was the response, much louder
this time.
    “That was so much better that time ladies. My
name is Kiki, and I am your activities coordinator for your Sappho
One Cruise,” she said. “It is my personal responsibility to make
sure each and every one has a fun filled trip with us,” she
explained. “If you have any questions, feel free to hit me up at
any time. Are we ready to dance?” she asked.
    “Hell yeah,” the crowd roared.
    “DJ Darla, if you please, the ladies are
ready to dance. Come slide with us ladies,” Kiki said as the DJ
started up the electric slide song and the women rushed to the
small dance floored cleared around the pool.
    Kiki led the group to start the dance and
then left the dance floor to circulate among the guests, welcoming
them on board.
    “She sure is a bundle of energy,” Levi said
to Cory with a wink. “How do you keep up with her?” she teased.
    “Vitamins, and plenty of them,” Cory said
with a laugh.
    “Maybe I should try those,” Levi said.
    “It can’t hurt,” Cory said. “I don’t know
what I would do without them.”
    Levi glanced at her watch to note the time.
“I am meeting Vanessa and Killian for lunch Cory, what would you
recommend?” Levi asked.
    “If you just want something fairly light, the
club sandwich is awesome,” she answered.
    “That sounds yummy, thanks, Cory.”
    “I will see you later then and again it was
nice to meet you Cass,” Levi said.
    “Likewise,” Cass said.
    “Later Levi,” Cory said with a

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