Black Lies White Lies

Black Lies White Lies by Dranda Laster

Book: Black Lies White Lies by Dranda Laster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dranda Laster
up the phone, putting her on speaker. It took her forever to answer. “Hello?”
    “Sandra, this is Candice, how are you? I was just calling back to check on Anthony. How is he?”
    “I’m OK. He’s in a coma and not doing well.”
    “Oh. I’m so sorry to hear that. How is Sabrina taking it?”
    “Well she’s just jumping for joy. That’s a stupid thing to ask, Candice.”
    “I didn’t mean it like that. You don’t have to be a bitch about it.”
    “Of course you didn’t. Candice, why don’t you just call Sabrina?”
    “I think I will,” and hung up. She was being a bitch. Most of the time we got along ok. Maybe things weren’t going like she wanted with her and Bryan.
    Well, here goes nothing. Calling Sabrina was all about drama when nothing was going on. “Hello?” Her voice sent chills down my spine.
    “It’s Candice. I was just calling about Anthony. How is he?”
    “He’s doing as well as to be expected. He’s in a coma and on life support right now.”
    “Is there anything I can do for you?”
    “No, but I will keep you posted. Thanks for calling. I will stay in touch.”
    “Call me if you need anything.”
    “Thank you Candice, I will.”
    That wasn’t so hard. She was different somehow. Maybe it was Anthony being in the hospital or maybe because it was Friday. You never knew with Sabrina.
    My weekend was going to be amazing. I locked my office door and headed downtown to get my hair done. When I reached Lindsay, the shop was abuzz. It was the weekend. Lindsay’s assistant shampooed me and Susan did my nails. Finally, I sat in Lindsay’s chair. “How’s everything with you, Candice?”
    “Things are going swell.”
    “What’s the momentous occasion?”
    “I’m headed to the Hamptons for the weekend.”
    “That’s nice.”
    “You’re going to the Hamptons?” the other stylist, Paul, chimed in. “I hear it’s fabulous this time of year. Wish I was going.”
    “I hear things are changing in the company you work for.”
    “Yes, there have been some changes.”
    “I hear that the fine Mr. William’s is changing things for the better.”
    “Yes, he’s moving things into the future, so to speak.”
    “Well he could change me alright.”
    “That’s enough of that Paul,” Lindsay spoke.
    “I was just kidding around.”
    “Candice is our customer and we must show respect.”
    “It’s ok, he is quite handsome.”
    “I know Ashton,” Paul said with a smile that unnerved me.
    I didn’t want to ask, but he was pulling me in. “How do you know Ashton?”
    “Well, where I should start.”
    Now I was feeling extremely uncomfortable. I guess he could see the shock on my face. “No, no, it’s nothing like that, but I wish it was.” I hadn’t thought Ashton was gay or bisexual, but who knew these days. “I met him when I was in Paris, when I was doing hair abroad. He was at a party I attended once. He was unmistakably the lady’s man, at least back then. He was dressed to kill and fabulous. I think he was a model for Versace that year, but I could be mistaken.”
    Ashton didn’t strike me as the model type. But who could mistake him for someone else? “He has a face that’s one of a kind,” Paul said.
    I didn’t want to divulge too much so I played it off. “Well, maybe when he was younger.”
    “Girl, that was about two or three years ago. He’s not that old, maybe thirty five? Yes, that’s about right.”
    “So, Candice, how long will you be in the Hamptons?”
    “Just for the weekend, Lindsay.”
    “I hope you have a fab time.”
    “I’m sure I will.”
    “Candice, I have some things you should try on as soon as you’re done,” said my designer, Lucy, as she walked in.
    “Just let me finish straightening her hair.”
    “Ok, I’m in no hurry. Is there somewhere in back I can set up?”
    “Yes, I’ll have my assistant show you a room.”
    “Thank you, whenever you’re ready, Candice. I will be setting up.” I couldn’t wait to see what Lucy

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