Blazing Love: A Hot, Romantic Suspense Series, Book 2 (The Carlisle Sisters)

Blazing Love: A Hot, Romantic Suspense Series, Book 2 (The Carlisle Sisters) by Kay Brody Page B

Book: Blazing Love: A Hot, Romantic Suspense Series, Book 2 (The Carlisle Sisters) by Kay Brody Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kay Brody
that yesterday.”
    Grey frowned.
    “I thought that was just this thick mud getting up under the wheels,” Grey whispered.
    “Sorry to say but, buddy, it’s not,” Blaze said quietly.
    The bus groaned and shook again.
    Grey turned to the driver.
    “What’s happening with the bus, Davet?”  he whispered fiercely.
    “I don’t know.  All was well with it yesterday,” Davet said as he peered through the windshield.  “I think it’s just the road; it is full of rocks and holes.”
    Grey considered what he said.  The road was in ill-repair.  But if Blaze believed otherwise, Grey wasn’t satisfied with the driver’s answer.  
    Grey glanced over his shoulder and saw that Tracy and Beth were sitting next to each other, huddled together.  His heart clenched at the thought of anything bad happening to either of them.  He forced the thought from his mind.  Now was not the time to be morbid.
    “Watch it!”  Blaze called out.
    Grey turned to see what the commotion was about.  The bus was moving downhill at an alarming speed.
    “Slow down!” Grey snapped at the driver.
    “I’m trying.  I’m trying!”  the driver yelled.
    “There’s a curve in the road ahead.  You’ve got to slow down, man!”  Blaze yelled.
    The driver pumped the brakes frantically.
    “No brakes!  There’s no brakes !”  the driver yelled in fright.
    Grey heard the girls gasp from behind him.
    The bus careened around the bend on practically two wheels.  Once through the curve, Davet released the breath he had been holding just in time to draw in another gasp.  Another car was heading right for them. 
    Davet lost control as he tried to avoid the other driver.  The bus went off the road and raced down an embankment.  The ladies screamed as Blaze and Grey were thrown to the floor.  The bus tumbled onto its side and then skidded to a stop.  There was nothing but silence.
    Blaze slowly roused and looked around him.  Grey was sprawled across his legs, unconscious, and felt as heavy as gold bars.  Aside from Grey’s hefty weight, however, Blaze did not feel any other evidence of an injury.  He sat up and eased himself out from under Grey’s body.
    “Grey!”  Blaze said urgently.  “Grey!  Wake up!”
    After a few seconds Grey moaned.
    “Wake up, Grey!”  Blaze insisted, shaking him and slapping his cheeks to help bring him around.
    Grey opened his eyes.
    “Are you alright?”  Grey asked groggily.
    “Yes.  How about you?  You don’t sound too good,” Blaze said worriedly.
    “I’m fine,” Grey pronounced.  Then he snapped his head up.  “The girls!”
    With the bus on its side, the men had to crawl over the seats to reach them.  They found Tracy lying next to Beth, shaking her in an attempt to rouse her.  They were still in the positions into which they had been thrown.
    “Beth!”  Tracy cried out, panicked.  “Beth!”
    Beth groaned.
    “Beth!  Are you alright?” Tracy asked anxiously.  She tried to lift herself but her awkward position made it difficult.
    “I think so,” Beth said groggily.  “But my ankle really hurts.”
    They heard Grey’s voice.
    “Hold on, ladies.  We’re coming to get you,” he said. 
    Grey’s handsome face came into view above them.  He leaned over and kissed Beth gently.  “Don’t worry, babe.  We’re going to get out of here.”
    “How?”  Tracy asked worriedly as Grey reached down and effortlessly plucked her from her position on the floor.  He stood up and passed her to Blaze, who rubbed her arm in comfort.
    “I don’t know. But we will,” Grey insisted, turning back to Beth.
    “Davet!”  Blaze said in alarm.
    He placed Tracy down in a more comfortable position and began working his way toward the driver.  It took Blaze a moment to find the man but, when he did, Davet was already coming to.  He had a deep gash on his temple.
    “Tracy!  Do you have any tissues?  Davet has a pretty bad gash on his head,” Blaze called

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