Blood of Egypt (Witch Fairy Book 8)

Blood of Egypt (Witch Fairy Book 8) by Bonnie Lamer Page B

Book: Blood of Egypt (Witch Fairy Book 8) by Bonnie Lamer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Lamer
to put his hands on my shoulders, presumably to shake me to my senses.  “Don’t…” is all I get out.  Magic is like water; it takes the path of least resistance.  Humans can’t resist it.  So when part of it escapes into him, the agent falls to the ground in a heap.
    I’m trying to pull it back.  I am.  But it has grown out of my control.  I look at the tortured forms of my husband and my new friend and tears stream even faster  down my cheeks.  What happened that required this much power?  What happened to make it so I had to draw my strongest magic?
    “I did.”

    Chapter 18
    Not only am I in Angel time, I’m somewhere I’ve never been before.  It’s not a good place; I’m standing on the precipice of a large cliff.  I am standing on a piece of rock no bigger than my feet.  Staring down at a cavern so deep, I can’t see the bottom through the darkness. If there is a bottom.
    Trying to ignore the peril that comes with the tiniest move of my feet, I turn to Belial.  “What do you mean, you did?”
    “Surely those synapses in your mortal body can decipher the meanings of my words.”
    He is not standing on a precipice.  He is floating in the air, his black wings moving softly.  I should probably call my wings, but they would push me off this tiny ledge and I can’t say for sure that my ability to fly with them will override my terror of falling into an abyss.
    “You took control of Eliana’s magic?”
    “Control?” he scoffs.  “I merely encouraged the essence within her to use all she had to keep that puny little sandstorm of hers going.  I never did like Ra very much.  He wore righteousness almost as badly as Raziel.”
    “Did you really drag me here to give me a list of other beings you hate besides me?”  Stupid cocky mouth.  Stay closed for once.
    “To think Raziel spent eons pining over you.  You are nothing but a harpy and a mutt.”
    “Is this where I say ‘sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me’?”  Oh my god.  Really?  I had to go and give him ideas?!  Oh my god, he did not just throw a boulder at me.  Really?  He’s that childish?
    I wonder if my femur breaking hurts as much as my magic burning through Eliana.  If so, then at least I feel like I’ve somewhat atoned for that.  Though, it is impossible to maintain my balance now.  My twisted leg leaves the safety of the tiny ledge and the rest of my body follows.
    If there was ever a time I needed my wings, it’s now.  Any millisecond now would be great.  I am so relieved when I feel the pinches on my back announcing their presence that I smile over the pain in my leg.  By their own accord, they stop my descent and float me back up to where Belial is waiting.  Then, I remember that I can heal myself instantly when I have my wings.  So I do. The sudden absence of such a great pain is a little disconcerting and I get dizzy for second. I’m just going to have to ignore that at the moment.
    “Was that really necessary?” I ask.
    “Tit for tat as the Cowans say,” he says with a sneer.
    I shake my head.  “Is this how it’s going to be?  Are you going to randomly pull me out of realms so that you can bore me to death with your insults and ‘tit for tat’s?”  That’s it, I have Tourette’s.  It’s the only explanation. 
    “You are right, little Witch Fairy.  Let me give you a taste of the torture that will befall you at my hands.”
    “Wow, dramatic much?” I mutter.  A helpful thought burns into my brain and I’m so surprised, I almost don’t know how to react.  Right before he throws he magic at me, I hold a hand up to keep him from doing whatever painful thing he’s about to do to me.  “Wait.  I have a question.”
    I’m not certain that he’s going to wait.  He cold eyes are assessing me, trying to determine if his curiosity

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