Enemy Invasion

Enemy Invasion by A. G. Taylor

Book: Enemy Invasion by A. G. Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. G. Taylor
said to Hack conversationally as the merc adjusted the equipment on his back. “I am, after all, an incredibly
successful and rich man. One of the richest in the world, in fact.”
    “The thought had crossed my mind,” Hack said nervously as the merc approached. In each of his gloved hands he held a cable end, which Hack could now see had metal contact points like
oversized plugs.
    “Well, aside from wanting to control the future of the world,” Good answered, “I get bored. Terribly, terribly bored. Then I met Major Bright – I’m sure
you’ve heard of him. Now I get to play real soldiers. It’s much more fun than computer games, believe me .”
    Hack swallowed heavily. “You’re crazy.”
    “That’s what my psychiatrist keeps telling me,” Good said. He turned to the merc and jerked his thumb at Hack. “Would you mind torturing him until he gives us what we
    The bearded merc nodded. “Not a problem, sir.”
    Marlon Good stepped back, eyes sparkling. The merc touched the contact points of the cables together. There was a crackle and a jagged, dancing beam of electricity expanded between the cables as
he pulled them apart. Hack shrank back against the wall of the plane. The merc advanced, holding the energy beam before him.
    “No, wait!” Hack cried. “You don’t have to—”
    He screamed as the electricity hit his body. It was like being stunned by the taser again – only a hundred times worse. For a moment he was lost as the energy surged through every fibre of
his body. His muscles convulsed, legs thrashing, arms straining against the handcuffs. Then the merc stepped back and the agony ceased. Hack collapsed against the seat, breathing heavily. He tried
to say something, but all that came out was an incoherent mumble.
    “Give him what he wants, kid,” the merc said. “Don’t make me hit you up again.”
    Hack sucked air into his lungs, trying to get control.
    “Well, what’s it gonna be?” the merc demanded.
    Hack looked at him. “Don’t do that again. I’m warning you.”
    Marlon Good clapped his hands together like he was really starting to enjoy himself. A look of annoyance passed over the merc’s face.
    “All right, son, you asked for it.”
    The merc stepped forward and brought the energy beam across Hack’s chest. This time Hack was ready, however. The moment the beam made contact with his body, he pushed back with his own
energy surge – sending a mighty wave of electricity up the cables and into the backpack. The merc howled as he was engulfed in the blast-back. He flew across the plane and hit the opposite
    The two soldiers by the door rushed over as their comrade hit the floor face down and lay unmoving. Smoke rose from the backpack. One of the soldiers kneeled down and gingerly felt for a pulse
in his neck.
    “Is he dead?” Marlon Good asked.
    The soldier shook his head. “He ain’t well.”
    Hack looked at Good. “I told him not to do that. The next one who tries the same will really get fried. Or maybe I’ll just send an energy surge to the engines and crash this
    The excitement drained from Good’s face. “If that’s how you want to play it. Bring out the other prisoner.”
    The soldiers disappeared through the door. Seconds later they pushed a hooded man into the cargo bay. The man’s suit was in tatters, but Hack recognized it instantly, along with the Rolex
watch on his wrist. One of the soldiers ripped the hood off the man’s head, revealing that it was Hui. His face was battered and his left hand clumsily wrapped in a bloody bandage. He
struggled against the soldiers holding his arms.
    “Well, this is an unexpected reunion,” Marlon Good said as he flicked a lever on the wall. The loading ramp at the back of the plane lowered, allowing air to howl into the cargo bay.
The soldiers pushed Hui towards the ramp.
    “It was the kid!” Hui screamed. “It was his idea! Please!”
    The soldiers held Hui in

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