Blood Struck

Blood Struck by Michelle Fox

Book: Blood Struck by Michelle Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Fox
he turned his attention to a storage bin set next to the door. Quickly rummaging through its contents he pulled out some clothes and tossed them to me.
    “Here, put something on.”
    “Where are we?” I kept my voice to a whisper, not wanting anyone to hear us in our hidey-hole. Sorting through the clothes, I found a t-shirt and pulled it on, grateful for its warmth.
    “It’s a panic room. We’ll be safe here.”
    Relief made me weak. Wrapping my arms around myself, I watched the monitors. The apartment was overrun and all the black clothing made it look like an invasion of ants...that happened to carry semi-automatic weapons. “What about your people?”
    He grimaced. “Dead, hiding or running. I won’t know until this is over.”
    I gulped. “You’re sure they’re after me?”
    “I’m fairly certain.” His expression was grim as he watched the men ransack my room.
    “And the only way to stop this madness is for me to become a vampire?” I couldn’t believe I was even asking such a question. It sounded beyond insane when I said it out loud.
    “Have you ever brought anyone over?”
    He nodded. “Yes.”
    “Does it hurt?”
    Another nod.
    Whatever I was about to say died on my lips as something on the monitor caught my eye. The blond vampire who’d brought me clothes earlier was walking down the hallway toward Kristos’ room, pushing a hooded figure in front of her. With the hood over their face, it was hard to be certain, but the gaunt, feminine frame looked familiar.
    “Oh, God,” I said. I knew there was a good reason I hadn’t liked that woman.
    “What? What is it?” Kristos reached out to touch me as if searching for a physical wound.
    I pointed to the monitor bank. “I think she has my mom.”
    Kristos swore under his breath and slammed the wall with his hand.
    “Isn’t she one of yours?” I asked just as she waved forward a bunch of the men.  They weren’t shooting at her and my heart sank.
    “Not anymore, apparently.” Kristos’ voice was terse.
    I narrowed my eyes at him. “What does that mean?”
    “I brought her over and she should be mine, but there are ways to take over someone’s kin, to become their master. Samira has been stolen from me. Her loyalties lie elsewhere.”
    “What do we do now?” I asked unable to keep the panic from my voice. Vampires were supposed to save my mom, but my current circumstances made cancer look safe.
    “They’re trying to draw you out, make you reveal yourself.”
    “And if I don’t?”
    He looked at me, eyes filled with regret. “Your mom will become expendable.”
    I put a hand over my mouth and tears gathered in my eyes. “It’s my life for hers, isn’t it?”
    He nodded. “I’m afraid so.”
    My lower lip trembled and the tears spilled down my cheeks. On the monitor, I could see that mom was in Kristos’ bedroom now. The blonde vampire shoved her onto the bed and then stalked around the room, hitting the walls as she went.
    “She knows we’re in here, doesn’t she?” I flinched as the vampire in question put some muscle into her hits. I fully expected her fist to punch through the wall into our safe haven. Fortunately, the walls held.
    His lips thinned and he glared at the video monitor. “She was part of my team. She would know about the panic room.”
    “Is there any good news?”
    Kristos shook his head. “Not much. We’re safe in here, but your mom is out there. I assume you’re not interested in sacrificing her?”
    “God, no!”
    We both fell silent watching the blond vampire try to tear down the walls of Kristos’ bedroom. She ripped out the drywall and cast it aside like she was peeling an egg as she tried to reach us.
    “I have an idea,” Kristos said. “It’s risky, but I think we can make it work.” He leaned in for a kiss saying only, “Drink.”
    I started to ask him ‘drink what?’ but blood poured into my open mouth. He’d cut his tongue with his fangs, I realized. I tried to

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