Body Work

Body Work by Bonnie Edwards

Book: Body Work by Bonnie Edwards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Edwards
well, which is how she bought the shop, I’ve got a good business with an unending supply of work and Jenn’s getting her education now that Jason’s older. It’s all good.”
    “ Stay tonight,” she offered and held her breath, hoping.
    He resumed his position. Hips squared with hers, chest to chest, his hands on her bare bottom. “Just tonight?”
    Her response was in her kiss. Tonight and every night from now on, she thought, but couldn ’t say. It would be dangerous to think about every night. Dangerous and foolish.
    “ Ever thought of making your clients come to you?” she asked as they walked upstairs to bed, arms entwined.
    “ You mean open a shop and put up a shingle? Something permanent?”
    “ Yes.”
    He stopped, looked down into her face and one side of his lips turned up. “It would be good to have my own hoist and paint shop. There would be a lot less travel.”
    When he didn ’t back away from the idea, she couldn’t help but ask, “Would you like less travel?”
    He kissed the tip of her nose. “Mrs. Delaney, is that a proposition?”
    Suddenly afraid she ’d gone too far, had put too much hope into her question, she backed off. “No, just curiosity.”
    “ Oh, right, Europe’s calling.” He ran a finger down her nose and pressed it between her lips. She rolled her tongue around it and just like that, lost the thread of the conversation. His eyes darkened into burnt umber and he swung her into his arms again.
    He kicked open her bedroom door and dropped her onto her bed , and then followed her down. He rolled her over, hoisted her hips up to receive him. Shoving pillows under her belly for support, he said, “You wanted it this way out by the car, but Jason was due back.”
    “ Yes,” she said, raising her pretty ass even higher. She held her knees steady with her small elegant hands while he looked his fill.
    From this angle he could see all of her, from her rosy little ass button to the hood over her clit. He opened her outer lips to expose the inner ones. They fluttered with the cool air he blew across her. Cream filled her slit and he lapped at it with one quick swipe of his tongue. Her belly jerked with his action. “You like that? What else, Lisa? What do you want?”
    “ More kisses like that one. But higher, inside. Fuck me with your tongue.”
    He thumbed her clitoris to prime her and set to work with his mouth. She writhed and moaned and pressed her open lips to his, begging for release. He thought of holding her off, of making her wait, but the time for games was over. He slid two fingers into her slick channel to allow her to prepare for his burgeoning cock.
    He slid home with a deep grunt and filled her. She arched and cried out, slipped her hand between her legs to cup his tight balls and sent him to heaven.
    ~  ~
    In spite of having Jason back at work, Lisa insisted she help every day. If Tyce didn’t have her on the Internet hunting down parts, she was on the phone ordering them or passing him tools.
    They worked well together and Lisa laughed more all the time. Tyce got comfortable with the idea of sleeping in her bed, using her shower and sliding into her body every night.
    One night they argued about chick flicks versus action movies and agreed to see a moody suspense.
    “ I’ll drive,” Lisa said. “I want to show you my baby anyway.”
    “ You’ve got a whole vintage car collection to choose from and you drive this?” he said when she pulled up in front of the house in a little red bomb he didn’t even recognize. “What is it?”
    She climbed out and opened the hatch and unlocked the T roof panels. “Climb in,” she said when the panels were stowed. “And buckle up.”
    He settled into the low slung passenger ’s seat, stretched his legs full length and used his seatbelt. “Okay, I give. It’s a Nissan, but what model?”
    “ 1992 NX 2000. Goes like stink and handles beautifully.” She laughed at his expression and took off, running

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