Bone Deep

Bone Deep by Gina McMurchy-Barber

Book: Bone Deep by Gina McMurchy-Barber Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gina McMurchy-Barber
been waiting for,” Tornado announced when everyone finally arrived. Not exactly true in my case. “After we get suited up we’re all going to go through an equipment check. Then we’ll review emergency procedures — Patty girl here is going to take us through that part …” My face felt like it was going to melt right off my skull. “So let’s get started.”
    When everyone was ready I reviewed all the procedures from the manual. Then Tornado gave everyone further safety instructions. Just as TB and I were about to walk with everyone else down to the end of the pier Tornado stopped us.
    â€œHold on, you two. Now I know TB here is breathless over the thought of being your partner …” He chuckled at his lame joke, while I willed my cheeks from turning crimson red. “… But for your first open water dive I’ll be going down with you both. Just want to make sure there’s no more of that mouth-to-mouth resuscitation business …” Gross — my sentiments exactly. I felt like a dolt that Tornado had to accompany us. But the sooner he could see that I was no good at diving — the sooner the test would be over.
    After we got in the water Tornado said: “Okay, kiddo, we’re going to try the buddy breathing again and we’re going to keep doing it until you either swallow a fish tank of seawater or get it right.” Could he be more insulting?
    â€œI’ll give it another try. I just hope I don’t choke up with fear.”
    â€œDon’t worry, we’ve got your back,” TB said. Tornado nodded.
    As we bounced around on the waves I could feel my heart pounding inside me. A part of me wanted to be the coward Tornado expected me to be, but there was another part of me who was trying to recall all the things Mom and Aunt Beatrix had said to give me courage.
    â€œJust remember to breathe calmly as we descend. And remember this is going to be fun!” TB said.
    â€œThat’s right!” Tornado smacked my back and I caught a mouthful of salt water. “Okay, let’s go.”
    Even though it went against every instinct in my body I put my head under water and took my first tentative breaths through the regulator. Then I could hear it — scush-shhhh, scush-shhh, scush-shhh — it was the sound of my breathing under water. I looked over at Tornado, who was giving me the okay sign. I returned the signal. Then he gave me the signal it was time to descend. My heartbeat went into hyper speed, but I knew better than to hold my breath. Easy, steady breaths, I told myself over and over again. And down we went….
    December 25th, 1811
    It was a pleasant Christmas Day for the men. The general merriment included carol singing, rum cake, and for dinner a fine cooked turkey — we had been nursing the tasty fellow along since St. Catherine’s for this very purpose. Afterwards the men partook in games of various sorts and more carol singing.
    The air is getting warmer as we near the Sandwich Islands. According to my first mate, rations are getting low, so we will wood and water there and may stay on for some time. I know the men look forward to it and it will be a welcome respite for us all.
    I am pleased to report that Mister Lockhart has been contrite of late and we have begun to take our supper together once again. Now that we know we will soon arrive at the Sandwich Islands our conversation is mostly about what to expect when we get there. No doubt the gentleman will want to exchange wares once we arrive so I am preparing him by sharing my experiences dealing with the aboriginal peoples of Hawai’i, particularly their customs. I daresay Mister Lockhart may be very knowledgeable in his dealings with the typical New York businessman. However, it is a completely different matter when one is standing as a stranger on the shore of a new people. Decorum and humility is of paramount necessity in such cases.
    With the

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