Bound by Honor
to my business." She shook her head. "I have to admit, I had worried about finances for so many years that it wasn't so much building th e business as earning money that had become important."
    "I think that's a normal reaction, Jenna. You grew up worrying about having your basic needs met. It's quite natural to want to see to it that you have enough income to survive."
    Although she appreciated his commiseration, she turned away and said softly, "Yeah, well, in one brief phone call from an E.R. nurse I learned that I didn't have forever with Amy."
    His eyes were on her. She didn't have to turn her head to know. She could feel the intensity of his gaze almost as if it were a tangible thing.
    "That's why getting custody of Lily was so crucial to me." She couldn't say why she was explaining the motivation behind her actions in such detail. It could be that after two weeks with little to no adult company, she was itching for some conversation that didn't necessitate a cutesy baby tone. Then again, it could be that she simply wanted Gage to know her a little better.
    The implications of that surprising thought filled her with a strange, almost giddy excitement.
    But whatever the reason, it seemed all-important for him to understand what drove her to make a marriage bargain with a perfect stranger, to pick up and move to Broken Bow Reservation, to change her whole existence for one tiny child.
    "I've learned a very hard lesson," she continued. "Life can change in the blink of an eye." She was well aware that fate had taught him that same lesson, as well. "Family is more important than a career, or money, or anything else. And I want to spend every day showing Lily what I made the mistake of not showing Amy. That I love her and care about her. Above all else."
    "She can't help but know that." His voice was as sultry as the summer night. "It's obvious that you're dedicated to her."
    The discomfiting feeling of being scrutinized swept over Jenna. She'd talked about herself enough.
    "And you're mighty dedicated to this ranch and those horses out there," she observed. "You put in really long hours."
    Two weeks ago, she never would have made a comment so blatantly geared toward getting him to talk about himself. However, since the night he'd offered Lily the use of the nursery — and told Jenna why he'd been so reluctant to invite the baby into his home — he'd been more laid-back, more open. Visibly so, actually. H e still had moments that were tough for him, Jenna could tell. But he was reaching out more and more to Lily.
    "I have some really big shoes to fill," he said. "My dad started the pinto breeding business. And he worked extremely hard to build something for his children. He was married to his first wife for nearly fifteen years. When no children came along, the woman divorced him. So my parents were in their early forties when they met and married and had me." He grinned as he added, "At least once a year I hear the story of what a great blessing I am to them . . . usually on my birthday."
    "Family stories can get old after a while, but I don't believe that one would," Jenna said.
    He chuckled. "You're right. Anyway, when Mary Lynn and I married three years ago, Dad and Mom were ready to retire. They bought an RV and spent a good year traveling. They've visited every state in the continental U.S. They fell in love with the Arizona desert and because the dry climate was good for Mom's arthritis, they decided to settle there.
    "I could never leave. I love this place too much. The ranch, the horses." His gaze me a ndered toward the stable. "I knew from the time I was a boy that I'd make this my life's work."
    The moment stretched and Jenna thought he'd revealed all he meant to. But then he leaned over, resting his elbows on his knees.
    "I nearly lost the place when Mary Lynn and Skye were killed," he said. "Before then, I had twice as many horses and I had a couple of hired hands working full-time to help me take care of

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