Bound to Be Taken [Rock Wood Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Bound to Be Taken [Rock Wood Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Sam Crescent Page A

Book: Bound to Be Taken [Rock Wood Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Sam Crescent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam Crescent
Tags: Romance
atmosphere was tense. Ten people had arrived that morning and the house was booming with too much testosterone and estrogen around them. Women were bickering like teenagers and the men were competing like horny boys.
    “What about it?” Titania asked. The house had stopped their arguments when she and Cade walked down the stairs hand in hand. Their blatant stares put her on edge. She hated the attention and she’d immediately excused herself but not before Cade made his claim. He’d kissed her, pulling down on the shirt he’d given her to expose the claiming mark.
    “Nothing, I just wish you’d told me before. I came to your room last night and you weren’t there,” David said. He jumped off the counter and moved closer.
    “Cade brought me home—”
    “And marked you. I see the bite on your neck. I also smell him on your skin.” David pressed a finger to the mark.
    “Leave her the fuck alone!” Cade grabbed David off her and threw him against the far table.
    Crying out, she watched David slam his fist against Cade’s stomach. Her man didn’t move or show any sign David had touched him.
    Cade laughed and lifted David off the floor. The power in his arms startled Titania.
    “Stop it,” she screamed. She tried to stop Cade from hurting her friend.
    Their outburst had brought half of the pack running into the kitchen. Micah sauntered in and wrapped his arms around Charlotte. The relaxation on all the leading males in the pack freaked Titania out. David looked purple from lack of oxygen.
    Grabbing hold of Cade’s arm, she yanked. He didn’t move at all. There was no stopping the power in his arms. David looked ready to pass out.
    “You don’t touch my woman or tell her what is right for her. Titania is mine, do you hear me? I’ll rip you and anyone else who thinks they can tell me what to do. I don’t have a problem with blood on my hands. You got me?” Cade asked.
    Her friend nodded. Cade let him go. David crashed to the floor gasping for breath.
    “Anyone else want to start some shit over Titania and me?”
    The whole room turned away. No one was prepared to stand up to one of its leading members. Cade was deadly when he needed to be.
    The door to the kitchen closed behind them all. No one stayed around to see any more danger.
    Going to David, she checked to make sure he wasn’t seriously hurt.
    “You did good, David,” Micah said. The pride in his voice couldn’t be mistaken for anything else.
    “Yeah, I don’t feel like it.” David looked up at Cade. “Did you have to squeeze so hard?”
    “If I pretended one bit, then this would have been for nothing. The pack needed to believe it.”
    While they’d been talking, Charlotte turned on the kettle and food processor to drown out their noise.
    Titania looked between all the men. Jordan, Wilson and Paul stood with their arms folded along the far wall.
    “Wait, this was planned?” Titania asked.
    David stood, rubbing his neck in the process. “Yeah, Cade came to me this morning asking for my help. When it comes to you, Titania, I’ll do anything. He knows it and so does the pack.”
    “If this little display didn’t put anyone off challenging Cade, then I don’t know what will,” Micah said.
    “You did good, little guy.” Jordan slapped David on the back before walking away.
    “I’m going to go and act all beat down. See if I can get any sympathy.” David cupped her face. “You deserve happiness. Don’t let this ruin your chance.”
    With tears in her eyes she waited as Charlotte hugged her and then left. The rest of the men left leaving her alone with Cade.
    Her man stood staring at her.
    “Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked.
    “Your fear made all of this believable. Yeah, I hate the relationship you’ve got going with David but he’s like your brother. I don’t want to understand it but I do.” He moved closer. Folding her arms she felt the tears spring to her eyes.
    “You did all this for me and to prove to the pack

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